About us
To date, the results of the DNA project have been quite successful. The Bonham DNA project now has 25 participants, all of whom have tests completed. Seventeen of the participants have matched on 12 marker tests or above, though some of these 12 marker tests are "off" as to one or more markers and need upgrading to 37 markers or more to tighten the Y-DNA evidence. Fourteen of these have paper trails, such as the paper trails are, linking them to the following presumed sons of Hezekiah: *Uriah *Amariah *Malakiah *Nehemiah *Zachariah *Hezekiah, Jr. These results indicate that Uriah, Amariah, Malakiah, Nehemiah, Zachariah and Hezekiah, Jr. were sons of Hezekiah as suggested in early written histories. As stated in project news, expansion of some of these descendants´ tests from 12 to 37 markers would help tighten the fit and donations are requested in order to do upgrades. We have 3 matching participants whose link to Hezekiah Bonham is uncertain and needs to be determined: 1) a descendent of James Bonham b. ca. 1799 in KY; 2) a descendant of Moses Bonham b. 1763 and 3) a descendant of Samuel Bonham of New Hanover NC b. before 1714. Continued efforts at linking any available paper trails and Y-DNA evidence will hopefully help us link these Bonhams. A potential descendant of Anam Bonum (sp. various ways), b. before 1621 and early immigrant on The Ark & the Dove, is also represented in our project and the Y-DNA results do not match those of Hezekiah Bonham´s purported descendants at all, different haplogroup. Many thanks to this participant for participating in our project. The results are inconclusive in so far as determining whether George Baldwin or Anam Bonam was father of this participant´s ancestor who was said to have been child born of Baldwin´s wife having been unfaithful to George Baldwin. George Baldwin´s wife may have been unfaithful or not and child could have been George Baldwin´s or Anum Bonum´s. So far, the Y-DNA evidence as to participant indicates, that Anum Bonam may have indeed been his ancestor as there are no matches with Baldwins, but this is another mystery that remains unsolved. If Anum was the father, Anum does not relate to the Hezekiah Bonham family.