
  • 22 members

About us

It has been a very long time since, in 1942, Hubert Bookout of Sherman, Texas began to correspond with other Bookouts in hopes of compiling a family history on behalf of all Bookout families. Since his time there have been half a dozen or so other Bookouts and Bookout descendants who have continued his efforts in a scattered way and, for the most part, independently of each other.

About 1995 with the advent of online computer services, unprecedented cooperation among family historians interested in Bookouts began, and a database (GEDCOM) giving the basic branches of the Bookout family tree, stemming from Joseph Bookout 1 of Randolph County, North Carolina, has been worked out in considerable detail.

Those of us who subscribe and have contributed to this effort would like to share what we have found with your family. None of us are professional genealogists and all do what we do as amateurs as a matter of sheer interest and family pride.

What we have assembled is not just another electronic compendium of Bookout telephone numbers and addresses from nationwide directories, but a bona fide genealogy of the Bookout family pieced together from censuses, family Bibles, cemetery records, obituaries and contributed documentation. Family lore is included but is decidedly secondary.

It's ironic that the technology that broke up the close-knit Bookout family groups our Bookout ancestors knew has now provided us the means to bring relatives who never heard of each other together again.

Y-DNA testing has now provided a new and powerful tool to increase our knowledge of the Bookout surname.

We extend to you our sincere welcome and earnest wish that you will add your store of Bookout information to what we already have.

Across the miles and years, we Bookouts and Bookout descendants are glad to be in touch with you again.

Henry Bookout