
  • 22 members

About us

(1) "Find" Joseph 1 Bookout, Patriarch, c 1735, MD, immigrant? parents? wife?
(2) Help solve questions in Bookout paper trails
(3) Discover origin of Bookout surname
(4) Locate variant surnames with same or similar Y-DNA

If you haven't done so, please consider making a donation to the General Fund to help sponsor a test kit to profile the Y-DNA of another Bookout.

The price of these kits is beyond the means of many Bookout heads of households. But if everyone contributes what they can, we can spread the net wide to learn precious information about Bookouts that cannot be obtained in any other way.

To name just a few things, (1) there's no paper train between your g-grandfather and 2nd g-grandfather; Y-DNA can establish the connection by connecting your line with the line of a more remotely related Bookout with whom you have a highly probable common ancestor; (2) there may be Bookhouts who are Bookouts, or Bookouts who are Bookhouts and when we know the shape of their Y-DNA we can tell which is which; recently a Boekuit from Holland landed in NYC as a Bookout - - is he the same as us? A male descendant's Y-DNA of his can tell; (3) and the list goes on beyond discoveries we can't even imagine until test results are in.

Right now there are gentlemen Bookouts waiting to fund their Y-DNA tests. Make it possible for them. What they learn will be common knowledge for all Bookouts to share. The larger our database, the more easily we can make conclusions.

So do, do consider a donation. It's very easy by credit card or PayPal. Even consider donating a small amount at regular intervals so the Fund won't dry up.

Please use the side bar on the left to make a donation to the General Fund of the Bookout Surname Project.