
  • 134 members

About us

The Cave Family History Society has been in existence for over thirty years. In that time we have collected nearly 700 members. As they come and go, we have now about 150 active members.

In that time we have built up collections of Pedigree Charts numbering close to 1500. These cover England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand. There are many, and varied family groups. Some “belong” to members of the society, others do not.

One member has proven ancestry over 24 generations going back to the 13th Century. This group covers South Leicestershire and Yorkshire.

This has all been gained by Genealogical Research in the many and varied sources throughout the world in documented format.

Many of the family groups have been built up by simple logic and members own family records. There are many “loose ends”. Now is the time to step forward in to the new generation of research and look to DNA Y-Chromosome analysis to attempt to link the many and varied family groups in to cohesive units.
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