St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 239 members

About us With worldwide participation, the project has reached a point in its maturity that there is an opportunity to expand the scope of exploration and quicken the pace of insightful guidance in identifying common ancestry. Multiple unique Compton/Crumpton lines have already been discovered. More and more as participants join, they are matching already discovered lines and further associating themselves with a common ancestry for which they have no paper trail. This direct method of participation should and will continue, but it reemphasizes the need of English participation, the most common country of origin. Participation from England would form a basis for connecting independent paper trails through a bridge of DNA, across time and space into the USA and Australian Compton, Crumpton, and Crompton lines. Evidence of emigrating men would be tied to their descendents throughout the world. Where difficulties in communication and transportation in previous centuries proved too great to maintain genealogies, Y-DNA results would build them for the first time.
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