St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


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About us

When the Compton Surname Reconstruction project was started in November 2003, it was with the hope that a small set of common ancestors would be isolated. Each unique Compton line would be definitively grouped and associated with a common paternal ancestor. As new candidates have joined, a surprisingly high number of unique lines have emerged. DNA-wise, there are more unique Compton lines than originally expected. This is actually a helpful outcome, as it breaks the puzzle into smaller pieces.

By comparing DNA results we discover common paternal lines and isolate non-matching lines. Men from all nations and of all Compton/Crumpton surname variation are encouraged to participate by purchasing the Y-DNA25 test kit. As more men join, the quality of reconstruction analysis that can be done increases. Many Compton/Crumpton lines are now represented.
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