
  • 15 members

About us

Open to any MALE Denman. This project started in 2010, and has already resulted in some exciting discoveries. Participating is an opportunity to uncover information not provided in the paper records, which will help with your family history research. We will also discover which family trees are related. As the project progresses, the results for the various family trees will provide information about the evolution of the surname. Are all people with the surname Denman related? Where did the name originate? I can’t promise you the answers to these questions but by contributing to the study we will all learn more about the name. We strongly encourage an order of a Y-DNA test for 37 markers, if possible. If you order less markers, you can upgrade later, though this costs a little more. The Y DNA test results contain no personal information, and the test is quite different from those used by forensic scientists in criminal investigations and by doctors to identify paternity. Furthermore, the test itself cannot identify a unique individual as close male members of the same family (brothers, uncles, cousins) will in all probability have identical results. If you would like to join the Project, please drop me a line with a brief summary of your Denman ancestry, including your earliest known ancestor, and where you fit in to the lineage.
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