
  • 15 members

About us

2018 - another project member has upgraded to a Big Y test

2017 - extracted all births & deaths from the new England & Wales GRO Index, which (unlike other civil registration indexes) includes mother's maiden name (for births) and age at death (deaths) - this will facilitate tree reconstruction. 2 project members took Big Y tests.

2 March 2015 – updated the FTDNA Denman DNA Project website, and converted it to the new MyGroups format.

March 2015 - began working on content for a Denman surname history website - NB this is not likely to be completed for several months.


January 2015 – researched a Denman branch in Bath Archives, Somerset.


November 2014 - registered the Denman surname study with The Surname Society


19 July 2014 – submitted an article to Sussex FHS for inclusion in their journal The Sussex Family Historian; they have put it on their list for publication. Hopefully this will encourage more Sussex Denman testees to take part.


20 May 2014 extracted all 233 Sussex marriages for D*nman from the Sussex Family History Society’s index of marriages & marriage licenses from 1538 – 1837.All records found for the parishes of Sussex are indexed. A list of parishes& periods covered can be seen on their website.


29 April 2014 I extracted all entries for D*nman from the using the Hampshire Genealogical Society’s Index, which is complete for the following periods: baptisms from 1537 to 1874, marriages from1538 to 1837(including some Quaker and Roman Catholic), and burials from 1400to 1841, also lists of South Hants Militia 1781-2 and Isle of Wight Militia 1781-2.


July 2013 – another Somerset Denman joined the DNA Project.


May 2013 – the Project collaborated with a member of another surname project who discovered that his patrilineal heritage was Denman; we were able to confirm that this gentleman is descended from the Somerset line.

April 2013 – I contacted the Basnight family, who are remote DNA matches for two Somerset Denmans


April 2013 – DNA test results did not show a match between the Nottinghamshire testee and the Sussex testee.


28 March 2013 – sent details of the One Name Study/DNA Project to the Notts Rootsweb list


4 March 2013 – first Sussex Denman tested.


10 February 2013 – first Nottinghamshire Denman tested.


8 February 2013 – extracted the Denmans from The Lay Subsidy Rolls for the 1524-1525 and the Calendar of Sussex Marriage Licences- 1586 to 1643.


23 January 2013 – e-mailed Ordinance Survey maps with questions about Deadman’s/Denman’s Well.


13 January 2013 – new participant joined the DNA Project, Somerset origin.


6 January 2013 – set up a Denman DNA Project & One Name Study group on GenealogyWise


3 January 2013 – updated the FTDNA Project website


2 January 2013 – joined Rootschat & publicised the One Name Study and DNA Project in their One Name Studies section.


1 January 2013 – sent out the first Denman One Name Study & DNA Project e-newsletter to 12 recipients. Registering the Denman surname as a One Name Study has made it worth sending a newsletter; DNA progress is painfully slow, whereas I make steady progress with the surname study – and my study of the Denman name takes a dual-documentary approach – combining DNA with genealogy.


31 December 2012 – reposted details of the study to the Notts, Sussex-Plus and Essex Rootsweb mailing lists.


December 2012 – upgraded the tests of two Somerset Denmans from 37 markers to 111 markers. This will enable me to narrow down the likely timescale to the most recent common ancestor that these two individuals share and will also further refine the Somerset Denman haplogroup.


18 November 2012 – set up a twitter account for the Denman ONS (now combined with my Willsman study)


November 2012 - visited and photographed a piece of paper from the 1400s - the earliest reference to the Denman name that I have found so far in Somerset! Also investigated paper evidence of a connection between the Denman name and Denesmodeswelle.


22 October 2012 – I contacted The College of Arms to ask:

Are there any other Denman coats of arms? Do they all have ravens?

How far would a herald have delved into the origins of a name when creating a coat of arms?

How common is the raven as a heraldic bird?

Is the raven a common Norse symbol, rather than specifically Danish?


7 August 2012 – I registered my study of the Denman surname with The Guild of One Name Studies


August 2012 – added entries from Adrian J Webb: The 1601 and 1628 Subsidy Returns for South Somerset; Harry Galloway Publishing (1993) ISBN 1-873931-20-4 – (paper copy)


31 July 2012 – set up a Facebook page for the Denman surname & DNA Project –


July 2012 – sourced a descendant of the Wembdon Denman family & approached them regarding involvement in the DNA project


April 2012 – received extractions from the Somerset & Dorset Family History Society Indexes for Denman, Dinman & Dunman


13 April 2012 - through family reconstruction, I sourced a descendant of the Wembdon Dunman/Denman family and also the Frome Dedman/Denman family & approached them regarding involvement in the DNA project, unfortunately despite initial interest, I had no further response so will have to redirect these lines of enquiry.


January 2012 –located Matislond as being in Cornwall – Matislond being the location of the earliest West Country Denmans - William & Walter

30 Dec 2010 - I added the Denman One Name Study to Graham Jaunay’s English Surnames website


14 December 2010 - DNA Project founded

2007 – I joined The Guild of One Name Studies, and began to learn how to study surnames

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