Driscoll of Ireland

Rulers of the Corca Laidhe
  • 140 members

About us

Read before clicking join

This Y DNA project is for MEN named Driscoll, Driskill, or a close variation. Included in eligibility are men with west Cork patrilines who bear a Driscoll SECONDARY name - McKennedy, Doolin, Cadogan, etc. (See SURNAMES.) It is not sufficient to have a Driscoll (or project surnamed) person in your ancestry. The tester must be a man named Driscoll (or project surname) and his direct paternal lineage must be of men named Driscoll (or project surname).

State in your JOIN request the most recent Y DNA test you ordered - Y37, Y67, Y111, or Big Y. One of these tests is required. Y37 is the minimal, "entry level" test.

If you don't already have a Y DNA test of 37 markers or more, see the FTDNA products page:


If you already have a FTDNA account with a swab submitted, log in to your account before ordering your Y DNA test.

See the FAQ for eligibility details, project policies, tips on setting up your account, etc:


Men with non-eligible surnames will likely need to do substantially more testing beyond Y37 and need to follow the FAQ instructions BEFORE clicking JOIN.

See our DNA and Y testing tutorial if you need help understanding the differences between the male line, female line, and universal lineage types of tests:


You can view any haplogroup work done on our project website:


If you have any questions AFTER seeing these materials, send Susan a BRIEF email, NO ATTACHMENTS - DIRECTLY - at driscolldna@pobox.com.

Put the exact phrase DRISCOLL PROJECT in your subject line of your email otherwise your email will be viewed as SPAM and you will not get a reply.

The FAQ has tips and suggestions to further your research and the LINKS provide some research venues.

Best of luck with your research and God bless you

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