Driscoll of Ireland

Rulers of the Corca Laidhe
  • 140 members


Prospective members who have any questions ABOUT THE PROJECT after reading the materials here should email Susan at driscolldna @ pobox.com. If you expect your email to be seen and you want a reply, copy and paste the exact phrase DRISCOLL PROJECT into the subject line of your email. Current project members need to add their FTDNA account number on the subject line. Emails must be BRIEF (300 words or less). Do NOT send attachments. Otherwise your email will be regarded as spam and you will not get a reply.

# October 15, 2022 tightened requirements so that tester's REAL name is required in the account name fields.

READ THIS PAGE for information on: project eligibility; project resources, including our DNA test Q&A; setting up and navigating your FTDNA account; creating and sharing your family tree; privacy and communication policies; advanced level participation, and MUCH more!

This project utilizes a third party website to describe and illustrate FTDNA account features. Links to that website are in a box with a gray background like this one.

    Eligibility and Joining

  1. What is the purpose of the project and who is eligible to join?

  2. Based on my Y test, I believe I am a Driscoll/other project surname. What if my last name is not Driscoll or a project surname?

  3. I'm not eligible but I have project surname ancestry. Is there anything you can do for me?

  4. Administration and Policies

  5. How is the project administered?

  6. Communications

  7. Privacy / Unable to see Y DNA results

  8. DNA Testing and Project Resources

  9. How long to get DNA results

  10. How to upgrade my Y results

  11. Websites and their resources

  12. DNA Testing Q&A

  13. What other projects should I join?

  14. FTDNA Account Setup and Navigation

  15. Set up my FTDNA Profile

  16. Grant the administrator(s) access to my account

  17. Opt in to DNA matching

  18. Set up earliest known paternal ancestor

  19. Share your Y results and paternal ancestor data with projects

  20. Share origins data with matches

  21. Upload or edit, and share a family tree

  22. Maintain your surname list

  23. Advanced Participation

  24. What is the difference between being REGULAR participation and EXPERT LEVEL participaton?

  25. How do I grant permission to the project administrator to include my anonymized data in published analysis?

  26. Are there Y DNA scholarships?

Eligibility and Joining

  1. The project is for MEN named Driscoll or a spelling variation, or MEN whose last name is a Driscoll agnomen AND have patriline West Cork ancestry.

    It is not enough to have a man named Driscoll in the ancestry. The tester's last name must be Driscoll and the men in his direct paternal line must be named Driscoll.

    Maintenance of the tester's REAL name is required in the first and last name fields of the FTDNA account. Account monitors who are not the testers need to put C/O [monitor name] in the MIDDLE NAME FIELD of the account.

    A Y test of 37 or more markers must be obtained or already have been obtained from FTDNA. Check FTDNA's Y Products page for current test prices.

    The best times to order a Y DNA test are: Father's Day Sale, Summer Sale (August), and the end-of-year holiday sale. In 2020, FTDNA surprised us by discounting Y DNA for the DNA Day sale in late April.


    If you are a man named DRISCOLL (or spelling variant), or your name is a Driscoll agnomen and you have patriline ancestry from West Cork - AND - you've taken the Y37 test or better, you are automatically eligible.

    State the most recent Y DNA test ordered at FTDNA in the JOIN window when you click the JOIN button (upper right).

    Non-eligible relatives may test and enroll an eligible male relative with 37 or more markers. Project results are kept private, so if you want to be able to see and compare results, you must have access to your relative's account !

    This is NOT a haplogroup (SNP) matching project, an autosomal DNA match project, or a mitochondrial DNA project. If you are new to testing and need help understanding the different types of DNA tests for genealogy, see Part I of our off site testing tutorial.

    Y SNP transfers from Nat Geo, Living DNA, or other companies are not sufficient for eligibility. Your data must be Y STR match enabled.

    Project "shoppers" and "browsers" are not admitted, even temporarily..

    Transferring Sorenson Y DNA Data

    If you have access to old Y DNA data from Ancestry.com or from any lab that used the Sorenson 33 or 46 marker test, you may transfer it to FTDNA. A straight transfer is not sufficient. In order for it to be qualify for the project, you must order a transfer+upgrade product and still do a swab for FTDNA so that your results will be aligned with FTDNA's test and so that you'll be enabled for matches in FTDNA's database. See: Transfer DNA and also the $58 transfer+upgrade Y products.

    If your transfer+upgrade produces less than 37 markers you will need to perform a Y25 to Y37 marker upgrade at FTDNA to be eligible for the project.

  2. There are two paths by which men with non-eligible surnames enroll in the project.


    Men whose paternal line name changed FROM Driscoll TO a non-eligible name may join the project by submitting genealogy record documentation of the name change to the project administrator. Scans of documents such as birth certificates and documents of the relevant paternal line ancestor showing the name change - a court record showing the name change, or a census record showing use of the new name - should be sufficient. Your particular Y results cannot disqualify you.



    -- You must have tested 111 markers and have Driscoll STR matches, preferably at 108/111 or better.

    -- Your Driscoll matches must IN the project and they must be grouped in a LINEAGE. See the Results page for details.

    -- Your Driscoll matches must have granted the project administrator LIMITED access or better.

    -- Your Driscoll matches must not exhibit evidence that they are a better fit in ANOTHER surname project. This is to prevent "chain migration" of non-eligible surnames, e.g., several men named Manley happen to have a match named Driscoll so the Manleys decide they want to be in the Driscoll project. In that case the Driscoll match is probably a better fit in the Manley project.

    -- You must have completed Big Y testing.

    -- Your terminal SNP must fall under one of the following: I-A14359, R-A6516, R-A7755, R-BY29108.

    -- You must have at least one Driscoll SNP match at one of these SNPs.

    -- If later genetic evidence shows you are in an SNP subclade that conflicts with those of your matches, you must accept that your kit might be removed from the project.


    1. I have tested 111 markers and have completed Big Y.

    2. State your Big Y tested terminal SNP: _______

    3. List the name, email, Genetic Distance, and
    terminal SNP of your Driscoll match with lowest
    Genetic Distance at 111 markers:

    Name: _________
    Email: ________
    Genetic Distance: ________
    Terminal SNP: ________

    4. List the name, email, Genetic Distance and
    terminal SNP of your next best Driscoll match
    at 111 markers.

    Name: __________
    Email: ___________
    Genetic Distance: _____
    Terminal SNP: _____

    5. List the name and email of your Driscoll
    SNP match at your terminal SNP:
    Name: _________
    Email: ________

    6. I understand that if future genetic evidence
    were to separate me from what appear to be
    matches, I could be removed from the project.
    INITIALIZE HERE: _________

  3. The project does not admit people who want to "browse" the project. Even if you were allowed to join, you will not see much more than a table of yDNA results (strings of numbers). You will not see the contact information of members, or their family trees. Most members do not even fill in paternal ancestor origin data. The administrators do not give out the names of testers or their email addresses nor do they forward messages.

    Even project members only get the contact information of their matches, not of any project member at large.

    Your best bets are the options below.

    Research Communities

    See RESEARCH under LINKS.


    If you want to "browse" data you can visit the external project haplogroups page.

    Dedicated Pedigree Page

    The project maintains a list of pedigrees. If you want a dedicated pedigree page, follow the non-members only instructions here. Your pedigree page is a slimmed down version of what you might have posted elsewhere, stripped of clutter, and gives page visitors an opportunity to contact you.

    Publish a Driscoll Family Biography

    If you have a Driscoll family biography you'd like to published on the project website we can assist with that. Biographies must be a PDF file no larger than 3 MB. Submit it with DRISCOLL PROJECT BIOGRAPHY on the subject line of your email.

    If you choose this option, it is recommended that you also submit your Driscoll pedigree for the pedigree page. Your pedigree page can then be linked to your Driscoll biography.

    Research Inquiries

    See RESEARCH under LINKS. Besides those venues, seek other regional venues closer to home. These are often on Facebook.

    Check for any genealogy help desks at the city and county libraries in your ancestral region of interest.

    Enroll with the local genealogical societies in your ancestral region of interest. Society volunteers may have collated local data collections that are not otherwise available on commercial genealogy sites. Lots of these interest groups have an online presence or are on Facebook.

    Autosomal DNA Testing

    You can do autosomal testing, not only at Family Tree DNA (Family Finder) but at Ancestry, MyHeritage, 23AndMe, and Living DNA. The last two venues do not have particularly good resources for family trees; the first three have better family tree resources. FTDNA has a family tree feature by which if you link in known autosomal DNA matches into your family tree, FTDNA will look for matches with matching segments and triangulate them if they are found.

    It is recommended that you take the lab test at each venue, and not just transfer data. Data may get dropped in transfer. Also, test relatives in the oldest generations possible descended from the people you are researching. You should test lots of relatives.

    Testers may choose to upload their results to GEDMATCH or another analytical venue of your choice. If your surname ancestors were in a particular geographic region for a length of time (multiple generations), use Google and look for an appropriate regional autosomal DNA project or consider starting a project up for your region of interest. With autosomal DNA, the opportunity for contact in a specific place is of particular significance since (unlike yDNA) there is no correlation with surnames. So your detailed family tree is important.

    *** This project does not provide assistance with autosomal DNA. ***

    Administration and Policies

  4. Project administration is 100% volunteer work. Administrators do not receive compensation from FTDNA or special discounts on tests.

    The project is not affiliated with the clan gathering and no longer engages in active recruitment.

  5. contacting the project administrator:

    Email or forward an email to the administrator at driscolldna@pobox.com.

    Include DRISCOLL PROJECT in the subject line.

    Include your kit number in the subject line of your email IF YOU ARE ALREADY A PROJECT MEMBER.

    Do NOT send attachments until they are requested.

    After reviewing this FAQ, state your question BRIEFLY (300 words or less).

    TO ENSURE A RESPONSE, emails must follow these guidelines. Otherwise emails are assumed to be spam and/or contain viruses and will get deleted.

    contacting project members:

    Click on a match's name in your match list for that person's email.

    Check the external PEDIGREES page for any published pedigrees with contact information.

    The project administrators are not an email forwarding service between non-members and members.

    The project administrators are not an email forwarding service between non-matching members.

    Members can communicate with each other on the internal Activity Feed.

    not getting email:

    Check your spam folder to make sure email with the addresses of FTDNA (familytreedna.com or ftdna.com) and the administrator(s) are not marked as spam.

    Make sure the email in your account is up to date.

    Make sure FTDNA has not flagged your email address as a problem. Check your account Updates (left sidebar) for a message that says Correct email issue.

    Make sure you have not opted out of communications in your account settings.

    👉 If you are expecting a response from the project administrator and have not gotten one, make sure your email contains the phrase DRISCOLL PROJECT on the subject line along with your FTDNA account number.

    See external help: Email Notifications.

    internal project communications:

    Bulletins are posted on the BULLETIN - MEMBERS ONLY page. Project members must be logged in to their FTDNA accounts to read them. (Click ABOUT in the left sidebar.) Bulk emails are sent out strictly to remind members to read the latest bulletin. Old bulletins are moved to the UPDATES - MEMBERS ONLY page.

    An annual project bulletin is published in the autumn, around the end of October - early November, to coincide with the start of the annual year-end DNA sale. It is announced by project bulk email.

    Make sure you know how to access those resources.

    Anyone interested in Driscoll research, whether an eligible project member or not, should look at the RESEARCH venues under LINKS.

    project news for non-members:

    See the FTDNA News page.

  6. For project Privacy policies, see Code of Conduct.

    See also: FTDNA's Privacy and Sharing page.

    See also: FTDNA's Project Administrator Settings page.

    Please do not email the administrator to complain about making the results public again. This is not debatable or negotiable. If you are not in the project and somebody in the project matches you, email your match directly for further information. The project administrator will not intervene.

    DNA Testing and Project Resources

  7. Time to get results back Back to top
  8. See: Learning Center article.

  9. To upgrade your Y DNA results, make sure you FIRST log in to your FTDNA account that already contains your initial Y results from a swab. THEN order your upgrade by clicking on add ons & upgrades near the top right of your dashboard.

    If you try to purchase more Y DNA testing without logging in first to your account with your initial Y DNA testing, you could end up with two accounts meaning you will unnecessarily pay for and repeat testing that you have already completed.

  10. There are three websites associated with this project.

    The FTDNA Website

    There is a representation of the project here at our lab FTDNA ("the FTDNA website"). This website holds basic project information, including this page.

    Y DNA Results are available from the left sidebar, visible only to members when they are logged in.

    On the left sidebar, LINKS will take you to other resources possibly relevant to your research.

    Members logged in can access recent project communications by clicking ABOUT in the left sidebar.

    The Project Website

    The second website ("the project website") at driscoll.dnagen.org is the administrator's own hosted space and is not part of or under the control of FTDNA.

    The project website includes: surname histories; a DNA Testing Q&A; surname pedigrees (published only upon written permission); potentially useful historical and genealogical data; haplogroup pages; more extensive analysis of Y DNA results for those who are Active Project Participants..

    The Support Website

    A third site dnagen.org ("the support website") also not the property of FTDNA, holds supplementary pages to help you learn to navigate and set up your FTDNA account. It also hosts DNA tutorials that are shared with this project and several other projects.

    Any other Internet sites, forums, or social media groups, postings or pages claiming to be speaking for this FTDNA Y-DNA project (other than from the project administrators) are disavowed.

  11. DNA and Y DNA Testing Tutorial Back to top
  12. The tutorial on the project website gives a beginner overview of DNA testing but focuses on Y DNA. It covers the differences between types of DNA tests; costs of Y DNA tests; the process of doing a test; and initial navigation and interpretation of new Y results.

    See Part I of our extensive DNA testing tutorial for an explanation of three basic types of DNA tests.

    Part II of the tutorial talks about the process of doing the Y DNA test).

    Part III of the tutorial goes into navigation of Y STR results as well as basic interpretation of those results. You'll learn concepts such as STR marker, SNP, and Genetic Distance.

    Part IV of the tutorial goes into detail about advanced Y SNP testing at FTDNA. If the tester can reswab if necessary, Big Y is the preferred advanced test.

  13. What other projects to join Back to top

  14. Since the Driscolls ruled the Corca Laidhe territory, ACTIVE members who are are FULLY participating at an ADVANCED level in the Driscoll project and are willing to share their anonymized results and data can join the Corca Laidhe project. The CL project is an advanced project striving to put out published research and will need member cooperation to do so.

    If you are already an ADVANCED Driscoll Project member, your FTDNA account is ready. The only additional item you must provide is special written permission to the CL project in the JOIN window when you click JOIN. See the Corca Laidhe project FAQ.

    Members are encouraged to join at least one haplogroup project. Haplogroup project administrators may prefer members who have tested 67 STR markers or better and may expect you to undergo and therefore financially commit to further SNP testing.

    See the project LINKS (left sidebar) for haplogroup and regional projects relevant to Driscolls.

    FTDNA Account Setup and Navigation

  15. Set up Contact Information Back to top
  16. See external help: Set up contact information.

  17. Granting Access to the Administrators Back to top
  18. If you enrolled after May 2018, you grant LIMITED access to the project administrator(s) as a condition of enrollment so you do not need to take further steps. Please do NOT alter this setting.

    If there is still a problem:

    See external help: Grant access to administrators.

  19. Opt in to matching Back to top
  20. Normally when you send back your swab you sign a form allowing FTDNA to process your results and release them for matching. So you may not need to take further steps.

    See external help: Opt in to matching.

  21. Set up paternal ancestor Back to top
  22. See external help: Set Paternal Ancestor data.

  23. Share Y results and paternal ancestral data with projects Back to top
  24. See external help: Share Your Y Results.

  25. Share your origins data with matches Back to top
  26. See external help: Share origins data with matches.

  27. Create, upload, share a family tree Back to top

  28. See external help: Create, upload, share family tree.

  29. Maintain your surname list
  30. See external help: Maintain surname list.

    Expert Level Participation

  31. Expert Level Project Participation Back to top
  32. All project members will get their Y results categorized under a suitably labeled cluster under Y DNA Results on the FTDNA website provided LIMITED access is granted. This is considered REGULAR participation.

    You are an EXPERT LEVEL Project Participant if you have taken the following KEY STEPS:

    • LIMITED access or better granted to the project administrator (normally DONE at project enrollment).

    • Opt In to DNA matching (normally DONE when you send your swab back by mail).

    • Profile and Contact Information are set up in a project-friendly manner.

    • Set up Earliest Known paternal ancestor.

    • Opt In to share out your Y and ancestral results with the project.

    • Share Origins data with matches.

    • Share family tree with matches.

    • Sufficient testing in place of 111 markers (may be waived for those who are otherwise participating at expert level and want an upgrade scholarship).

    • Provide at minimum a project surname paternal line in your family tree, with names, dates, spouses, and places. Your family tree is shared out with MATCHES.

    • FINAL STEP: Provide the project administrator explicit written permission to publish your anonymized data (below).

  33. Written permission to publish anonymized data (EXPERT LEVEL PARTICIPATION) Back to top

  34. COPY AND PASTE THE TEXT BELOW into the body of your email to the project administrator to give permission to publish anonymized yDNA results, and origins, plus pedigree data on a dedicated page.

    Edit the last line to state your email publication preference. PLEASE allow for the publication of your contact email so that relatives can contact you directly. The project administrator is not an email forwarder !

    I want to participate at the expert level and hearby grant permission to the Driscoll project administrator to publish my ANONYMIZED yDNA results (STR and SNP data), ancestral origins, and pedigree, as provided by me. If I am not the tester, I have authorization from the tester to participate. I agree to maintain my account in the manner described in the project FAQ, including the necessary opt ins for data sharing. I understand the types of data that will be published and that it will be tagged with a project number - not my FTDNA kit number.

    I understand that driscoll.dnagen.org is NOT an FTDNA website.

    CHOOSE ONE: I DO / DO NOT want my email contact information published on my dedicated pedigree page.

    The subject line of your email must include the keywords DRISCOLL PROJECT and your KIT NUMBER.

    example: DRISCOLL PROJECT kit #abcdef Data Publication Permission

    Once this written permission is received you will be assigned a Driscoll project member number (separate from your FTDNA account number) that will be used to tag your data.

    You may REVOKE permission by email at any time.

    Written permission from non-participating project members who want to DONATE their family history and yDNA results to the project

    See the OFFLINE papers that must be completed, signed and returned by the persons collecting and submitting the data donation. DataDonation.pdf     PedigreeForm.pdf

  35. Y Test scholarships Back to top

  36. $1000s of dollars have been donated by very generous project members for testing. Everything from Y37 to Big Y have in the past been funded or partially funded. Scholarship tests are purchased only during key sale events at the most advantageous prices.

    If Y37 seems too expensive, set aside $1.79 USD every week starting at Thanksgiving for 52 weeks or $7.67 set aside monthly for 12 months will more than cover the cost of Y37 during the year-end sale.

    Subject to $$$ availability, the project will make Y111 and Big Y scholarships available to EXPERT LEVEL well prepared members during major sale periods:

    membership in the project a minimum of one year (12 months) with at least Y37 results
    whether you are able to navigate your FTDNA account to set it up correctly for publishing your family history and for data sharing, or you are willing to allow the administrator to assist if you cannot
    the thoroughness of your family history research and tree
    whether you are the tester or you are monitoring the test of a relative
    whether the tester is incapacitated, deceased, or otherwise not able to reswab if necessary
    whether the tester is able to reswab properly
    whether you are willing to maintain your shared family history and results data

    Interested project members should email the project administrator for additional information. If you want your email to be seen, put DRISCOLL PROJECT SCHOLARSHIP - AND - your own FTDNA account number on the subject line of your email.

website counter

Prospective members who have any questions ABOUT THE PROJECT after reading the materials here should email Susan at driscolldna @ pobox.com. If you expect your email to be seen and you want a reply, copy and paste the exact phrase DRISCOLL PROJECT into the subject line of your email. Current project members need to add their FTDNA account number on the subject line. Emails must be BRIEF (300 words or less). Do NOT send attachments. Otherwise your email will be regarded as spam and you will not get a reply.
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