Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNAmtDNA, & All  Bundles! Now through Jan 1st.


Dutton Surname Project
  • 167 members

About us

Members, please take a look at your ancestral information. Please fill in the blanks for your Paternal and Maternal ancestors. We have a lot of blanks and some misinformation.  A maternal ancestor means your Mother's line from Mother to Mother to Mother, so please no male names in the maternal ancestor space!

Y-DNA tests that result in a suggested R haplogroup should test to at least 67 markers or better. False matches at lower level tests are common because of the shear number of males in the R haplogroup. Members should also consider advanced testing such as FTDNA's FAMILY FINDER & BIG Y tests. (Ladies and Gentlemen can complete the FAMILY FINDER testing. Since Big Y is a Y Chromsome test, it is only for the Gentlemen.)