About us
The long term aim is to be able to identify clusters and subclusters within the population of 2c2g men which may determine inter-regional connections, inter-family relationships and timescales and splits between the subclusters. Data from standard Y chromosome STR tests, the DYS464X test, SNP testing, and advanced tests will all be used for this purpose.
Some researchers may find that a better knowledge of the history of their family prior to the adoption of surnames provides clues that help them research their more recent family history. Other may find matches within the project who share common ancestry since the adoption of surnames. Members of larger subgroups within the project will be able to learn something about their deep ancestry through the project. An example is the Leinster cluster, or Beaty-Byrnes cluster, which is the largest subgroup in our project. We know from testing several members of this group that all of them have tested positive for the L21 SNP mutation. We also know that some men outside the cluster have also tested positive for the L21 SNP. We have been able to conclude that this SNP took place in a male line ancestor of the founder of the cluster, and so all members of the cluster are descended from the man who had the L21 mutation. Men are assigned to this group based on the resemblance of their haplotypes to the typical results for men within the cluster and their 2c2g results on the DYS464X test. Even if they do not have results for an L21 SNP test, we can conclude that they are L21+ and belong to the R-L21 haplogroup. The project also aims to see if it can gather evidence which may be used to answer historical questions which have remained unresolved in Irish and British history. Some questions that may be answered by studying the largest cluster in our project are:1. Were the Lagin of Ireland related to the Dumnonii of W Scotland and SW England?
2. Did the Lagin originate from Armorica?
3. Were the Brigantes of N. England related to the Lagin & Dumnonii?
4. Were the Brigantes of N. England related to the Brigantes in E. Ireland on Ptolemy’s map
It therefore seems that this FTDNA Y-DNA Geographical project is the most appropriate method to enable accurate data capture, analysis and reporting on the DYS464x 2c2g distribution and possible links to groups mentioned in ancient histories. In the more modern time frame possible connections may be detected between family groupings where participants may have similar STR YDNA results and are also DYS464X 2c2g.