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BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group members have similar STR results overall that suggest that they descend from a common ancestor. All members of this group have also taken a DYS464X test which showed that they have 2 c type and 2 g type alleles on the DYS464 markers. Because most men in Haplogroup R1b have 3 c type alleles and 1 g type allele on the DYS464 markers, the configuration with 2 c and 2 g type alleles helps confirm their descent from a common ancestor.

Modal haplotype for a group of men belonging to the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups with surnames linked by traditional sources to descendants of some chieftains on the main line of the Laigin rulers.

Our BeatyByrneMcLaughlin 1c3g and L159+ subgroup member has STR results that are very similar to the results of members in the main BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group and also has positive test results for the L159 SNP, but he has taken a DYS464X test which showed that he has only 1 c type allele and 2 extra g type alleles on the DYS464 markers for a total of 3 g type DYS464 markers. We conclude that he shares a common ancestor with members of the main BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group and that his line has had a mutation or mutations from 2c2g to 1c3g since the time of that common ancestor.

Members of the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin 3c1g and L159+ subgroup have STR results that are very similar to the results of members of the main BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group and also have positive test results for the L159 SNP, but they have taken a DYS464X test which showed that they have 3 c type alleles and one g type allele at the DYS464 markers. We conclude that they share a common ancestor with members of the larger group. They may have had a mutation or mutations from 2c2g to 3c1g in their lines since the time of the common ancestor, or they may descend from a relative of a man whose 2c2g configuration was inherited by Group 1 members.

The Pink BeatyByrneMcLaughlin subgroup includes men with very close matches to men of the same surname who have haplotypes very similar to the Leinster modal haplotype and have tested ccgg. We conclude that these men are members of the same families as their close matches in one of the 3 core BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups and are therefore members of the Leinster Cluster/Beatty-Byrnes Cluster, but we use the pink color to show that we do not have DYS464X test results for these individuals.

Mystery ccgg Group 1 and Mystery ccgg Group 2 members have STR results similar to the results of Group 1 members, and they also have DYS464X test results with 2 c type alleles and 2 g type alleles on the DYS464 markers, but they have negative test results for the L159 SNP. Some of these men were in Group 1 before doing L159 testing. Most Group 1 members that have tested for the L159 SNP have tested positive, and the Mystery groups contain all men that match the modal, test 2c2g, and have L159- test results. The men in each of the two groups share similarities not shared with men in the other group. For example, all men in Mystery Group 1A have 10 repeats at the marker GATAH4, while all men in Mystery Group 2 and the man in Mystery Group 1B have 11 repeats at that marker. All men in Mystery Group 2 have 23 repeats at marker DYS390, while all men in Mystery Group 1 have 24 repeats at that marker. A modal haplotype has been developed for Mystery ccgg Group 1. There is also a research haplotype for Mystery Group 2. The Mystery Group 2 research haplotype is not a true modal haplotype, because more data is needed to develop a modal haplotype for this small group.

The Mystery groups seem to be related to the three BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups are related to each other. The similarity of their results may be due in part to coincidence, but it seems likely that they descend from the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group founder or a relatively close relative of the founder. One possibility would be descent from a founder who was both 2c2g and L159+ and later had a back mutation to become L159-. BeatyByrneMcLauglin and Predicted L159- subgroup members have results that are very similar to the results of Mystery ccgg Group 1A members. Both groups have results similar to the STR results for the 3 core BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups, and have 2c2g results on the DYS464X tests. The only difference between Mystery ccgg Group 1A and Mystery ccgg Group 1A Predicted members is that members of the latter group do not have results for the L159 SNP. Because their results are so similar to the results of Mystery ccgg Group 1A members, it is believed that they are all L159-. The situation is similar for Mystery ccgg Group 3.

Members of the "cousins?" groups also have STR results that are very similar to the results of BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group members, but they have 3c1g results on the DYS464X test. Some of these men do not have L159 test results, and L159 testing is highly recommended for them. These men would be placed within the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group for men who are 3c1g and L159+ if they took the L159 test and received positive results. The Ros/Mascy cousin? group has one member whose results are quite similar to the typical results for the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups, but he is neither 2c2g nor L159+, and he fits the profile of another large group of men known as the Ros/Mascy cluster. There may be some sort of relationship between the Ros/Mascy cluster and the Leinster cluster (BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups), but the 3c1g and L159- test results suggest that it is not an extremely close relationship. The Aquamarine more cousins? group is similar to the Yellow Green cousins? group, but includes men whose haplotypes are less similar to the haplotypes of men in the Leinster cluster than the haplotypes of the men in the former group. Many of these men may be very distantly related to Leinster cluster members, but the connections would be ancient. The Khaki convergence groups includes project members whose results are somewhat similar to the results for Leinster cluster members, but who have tested negative for the L21 SNP. This means that they are not closely related to Leinster cluster members, and that some of the similarities between their haplotypes and Leinster cluster haplotypes are coincidental.

Men who are L21+ and have ccgg or other 2c2g results on the DYS464X test whose haplotypes are not extremely similar to the haplotypes of men in the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin groups are placed in one of the light blue or light cyan unclustered 2c2g groups. Some of the men in these groups have been recognized as members of other well-known clusters that include many men who are not 2c2g. Their 2c2g test results are probably the result of parallel 2c2g mutations within those well-known clusters, i.e., they probably did not inherit their 2c2g Y chromosomes from a common ancestor that they share with BBC members. We include the word "unconnected" in the names for these groups and use the light cyan color for them. The 11-13 Kelly, Null 425 "Collas", and Scot unclustered 2c2g groups are examples. DYS464X testing may be useful for placing members of these clusters on distinct branches of their clusters' family trees. The light blue subgroups are for clusters that do not have any clear relationship to larger groups within R-L21. We have additional subgroups in our project for men who are known to be 2c2g and have negative test results for the L21 SNP. These men must be members of distinct 2c2g clusters.

The Unconnected at this time - 3c1g group members have joined at various times for various reasons. Some joined because their results were similar to the results of project members in the BeatyByrneMcLaughlin group, and others were asked to join to share their haplotypes with 3 c type alleles and 1 g type allele as revealed by the DYS464X test. Looking at at these "3c1g" haplotypes may be helpful when evaluating the probability that a man with STR results is a member of Group 1 or another "2c2g" cluster.