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An E-V13 Migration from the Balkans to Swabia
  • 14 members

About us

General Overview: The project is intended as a communications forum for those tracking E-V13 subclade E-BY165986 and its descendant subclades. More specifically: We are focused on the descendants of the man with E-V13 variant E-BY4793 who had Balkan ancestry and who migrated to Swabia, perhaps after years or even ancestral generations in another location. This migrant was likely an ancestor to the man who originated the E-BY165986 subclade, although it is possible the mutation occurred at our migrant’s conception or in the recent generations prior to his migration. This is our hypothetical Roman Legionnaire, but regardless of how or why he migrated, this migrant is the intended focal point of the group. We are interested in his descendants who lived in Swabia or sprang from this location in subsequent generations. All currently identified test subjects who descend from this individual are in the E-BY165986 subclade, but that might not always be the case. New testers may reveal new subclades of E-BY4793, senior to E-BY165986 but originating after the migration to Swabia. Should this happen, we might rename the project for the newly defined clade, pending an assessment of the timing and likely location of the mutation. So again, we are focused on this migrant to Swabia and his descendants, and would embrace any FTDNA Y-DNA testers who share that ancestor with existing E-BY165986 project members.