
  • 9 members

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The Galenzoski DNA project has two goals. One is to connect the descendants of the Polish Gałęzowski family around the world. The second is to learn more about the family's history. Some time between roughly 1770 and 1810 Kasimir Gałęzowski left his home in Poland, tentatively identified as an area near Lublin, and immigrated to the Bukovina territory. His son Tomasz married a woman named Salomea and they had a son named Johann born in 1814 in Satulmare, Bukovina, Austrian Empire. It is not clear whether Tomasz was born in Bukovina or accompanied his father and mother from Poland. What is known with certainty is that when Johann was born, his surname was documented as Galenczowski. This is the first record where the original Polish spelling of the family surname was lost, almost certainly due to the difference between the Polish and Austrian alphabet. The name went through several variants in its spelling and now today Johann’s descendants in North America spell it as Galenzoski. If anyone's surname is even close to these spellings, please feel free to join this project.
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