Save on Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, and Bundles during our Early Bird Sale! Now through November 24th.

Gujarati Muslims

  • 97 members


I've taken a test on another website can I use those results?
Yes. If you've taken an autosomal test on ancestry, 23andme or myheritage you can upload to familytreedna. This will give you Family Finder matches, but it won't give you haplogroup information.

Which test do I take?
If you are male you can take y-37 as a minimum and/or mtDNA. If you are female you can take the mtDNA test.

Is it sufficient to take y-37?
No. This will only give you the major haplogroup. Big-Y 700 is the most useful though not everyone needs to take it. Please ask the administrator on which test to take. If you tested on 23andme, please tell the administrator your haplogroup(s).

The tests are expensive, what can I do?
For a y-haplogroup one test is sufficient for an entire extended family (no matter what size). For a mtDNA test only one sibling (male or female) need take the test. If family members contribute towards a test this needn't be a burden.

Why do some surnames appear in many different places on the diagrams?
This is because a lot of Gujarati surnames are based on title, nickname, occupation or father's first name. Over many generations people have lost their original surnames. Change of surname is very common. These DNA tests will cut through change of surnames. While it is not possible to find the original surname it is possible to find out, through appropriate testing, which families are related and how long ago.

Why are some surnames grouped in brackets with a forward slash on the diagrams?
Some test results have come through and there is evidence to support these families are in fact one and the same. Additional testing is required to make any conclusions. If you are male and are part of those families you should consider contributing. Please ask the administrator on which test to take.

Why are some surnames separated by forward slashes on the diagrams?
Tests have concluded that those families are one and the same and an estimate of when they had a common male ancestor is also established.