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  • 1429 members

About us

News update, 23December 2019.

This HALL DNA project was initially set up in 2003 and administered by Nel Hatcher in the USA until she retired in 2011, by which time the project had grown to approximately250 members. It is of course considerably larger now.

By early 2012 John Lisle from Hew Hampshire stepped in to take up the vacancy and commenced overseeing the administration of this HALL DNA project. John recruited co-administrators Dave McMillan, Lott Hall from the USA and David Hall from England. David Hall was already the registrant for the HALL surname with the Guild of One Name Studies (GOONS).

In 2014 David Hall became the lead administrator with John Lisle remaining also as an administrator. This enabled David to successfully apply to the GOONS for the Guild logo to be used by the project.

Subsequently, Cheryl Hall, Bill Wood and John Bolling Hall have replaced Dave McMillan and Lott Hallas co-administrators.

Outside of this project, John Lisle runs the HALL FAMILIES Of NEW ENGLAND Facebook Group and coordinates all the HALL families with connections to the New England states in the USA, John Bolling Hall runs the HALL OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC REGION Facebook Group and Bill Wood runs the FTDNA - BiGY Facebook Group which is not limited to the name HALL.

Cheryl Hall is the lead contact for our HALL Ydna Family 006 which is proven back to a HALL family at Henbury, Gloucestershire, England in the late sixteenth century. An Edward Hall from this family (1611 to 1670) emigrated from Henbury to Rehoboth,Bristol, Massachusetts USA.

Bill Wood leads our HALL Ydna Family 066, seeking to find the immigrant ancestor to the USA.

John Bolling Hall leads HALL Ydna Family 074, seeking immigrant ancestors. Some members of this family claim to be from Essex in England and that they were early settlers in Barbados and West Virginia.

David Hall leads HALL Ydna Family 019, which is a branch of the Little Scottish Cluster. This HALL branch has many members with HALL ancestry proven back to Northumberland in England, on the border with Scotland. This is an area dominated by the Border Reivers in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries. In this period, HALL was one of the most numerous of the riding families, especially in the Middle March. Maybe this is the reason for Family 019 being the largest in our group.

Each member’s Ydna results are assigned to a Family subgroup with their close matches. If no close matches are found, the results are assigned to a haplogroup in common with others.