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(This page last updated 20 June 2018)

Discussion of Y-DNA Results is presented in three sections :
(1)  Relative size of major groupings & contact person for each Group
(2)  Summary of Major Y-Haplogroup Developments/Findings
(3) Haplogroup Discrepancies and Disputes to be resolved

(1)  Section One : Relative size of major groupings & contact person for each group

Group 6 (haplogroup I-M253 >>> I- FGC2491 consists of19 tested Harveys & one non-Harvey surname - this Group is comprised of many testees with origin in Southern USA states.  A knowledgeable contact person is Alton Harvey (                    (This page last updated 20 June 2018)

Group 22 (haplogroup R-M269 >>> R-Z18 consists of 8 tested Harveys & 5 non-Harvey surnames - the Harvey testees in this group have their origins in New England states. 
A knowledgeable contact person is Michael Hervey (
Group 23 (haplogroup R-M269 >>> R-L21) consists of 8 tested Harveys & 2 non-Harvey surnames - this group has its origins primarily in southern USA states.
A knowledgeable contact person is Nan Harvey (nanharvey@gmail .com)
Group 9

Group 5 (haplogroup I-M253 >>> I-L22 consists of 7 tested Harveys & 1 non-Harvey surname - group origins are not clearly defined due to lack of input from testees.

A knowledgeable contact person is Nan Harvey (nanharvey@gmail .com)Group
Group 7

Group 12

Following IS A SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR Y-HAPLOGROUP DEVELOPMENTS/FINDINGS  SINCE PROJECT INITIATION IN MARCH 2004.  (if you have questions or comments on specific lre:ines not included below, please address them in the public forum (activity feed) where administrators and members can view them.

1st Case - Haplogroup   & Disputes : (Family one - Group 22)
Thomas Harvey b. 1617, England : Y-DNA Test Analysis/Discussion :

Thomas Harvey b. 1617
is indicated to be of the R-M269 >>> R-Z18 haplogroup designation. However, his alleged paternally-related brother, William Harvey b. 1614, while not unequivocally proven, is firmly indicated to be of the E-M84 >>> E-Y81676 haplogroup. Thus, these two men can not be sons of the same father.  Full discussion of the discrepancy of the haplogroups of these two supposed brothers is covered in the following 2nd Case discussion.  For now we will deal with Y-DNA test results of Thomas Harvey b. 1617 :

Thomas Harvey b. 1617 :  Following are some details of the test results of living descendants of two American ancestral lineages - both of which claim descent through this Thomas Harvey and his wife Elizabeth Andrews :

Eight living male direct line descendants of two sons of Thomas Harvey b. 1617, each with a different individually determined paper trail, have been Y-DNA tested and found to have remarkably consistent test results.  In addition, five non-Harvey surname matches have joined Group 22 (today's grouping - subject to change.

Thomas Harvey b. 1643 and William Harvey b. 1645 are two sons of Thomas Harvey b. 1617 who have been Y-DNA tested through eight living male direct line descendants - one man is descended through Thomas b. 1643 and seven men descended through William b. 1645.  This haplotype of this family branch has been found to have remarkably consistent test results. These Y-DNA results include three unique markers exhibited by all who have been tested through at least 25 markers - ("unique" when compared against all other Harvey "R"-haplogroup tested members). These unique "Tag" markers are as follows :

DYS 447 @ 26 alleles - (unique - not found in any other tested Harvey lines)

DYS 448 @ 20 alleles - (unique - not found in any other tested Harvey lines)

DYS 449 @ 31 alleles - (very seldom found in any other tested Harveys nor does it exist as a "Tag* marker allele for any other Harvey Group)

These "Tag" marker values have been used as indicators of a very likely connection to descendants of the Thomas Harvey b. 1617 direct male line or to descendants of a family line closely paternally related to Thomas Harvey b. 1617 in England.      HOWEVER (UPDATE) :

: (Family Two - Group 21)

 : younger brother to the above listed Thomas (1643) and William (1645) just recently appears to have had two living male Harvey surnamed direct line descendant tested and they are found to also be of the R-M269 haplogroup.   These two matching testees are quite possibly NOT descended from Thomas Harvey b. 1617.  Surprisingly, while of the same basic haplogroup (R-M269), as determined for Family One (above), their haplotype pattern differs substantially and indicates a very, very, large time-separation (if related at all) of the two haplotypes when viewed from a genealogical time frame aspect.   Also of concern, the "Tag" marker values displayed above are only partially shared by these two Harvey testees.  However, inasmuch as this is the purported lineage developed by Oscar Jewell Harvey in his 1899 self-published "The Harvey Book" we have decided to show both sides of this story and wait for further testing to shed light on the situation.

The best resolution of this quandry would be to make connection to Y-DNA tested relatives of Thomas Harvey b 1617 currently living in England - meanwhile we plan to grind on with the hope of finding our answers on this side of the pond.  Recent developments in SNP testing are dramatically advancing and will undoubtedly be helpful solving such issues as this in years to come.

2nd Case :  (to be continued)

Bill Harvey
Administrator for the Harvey Y-DNA surname project hosted at FTDNA
A purely volunteer effort with no remuneration or benefit received from any entity

Alton Harvey at 

Following IS A SUMMARY OF THE MAJOR Y-HAPLOGROUP DEVELOPMENTS/FINDINGS  SINCE PROJECT INITIATION IN MARCH 2004.  (if you have questions or comments on specific lre:ines not included below, please address them in the public forum (activity feed) where administrators and members can view them.

1st Case - Haplogroup Discrepancies & Disputes : (Family one - Group 22)
Thomas Harvey b. 1617, England : Y-DNA Test Analysis/Discussion :

Thomas Harvey b. 1617
is indicated to be of the R-M269 >>> R-Z18 haplogroup designation. However, his alleged paternally-related brother, William Harvey b. 1614, while not unequivocally proven, is firmly indicated to be of the E-M84 >>> E-Y81676 haplogroup. Thus, these two men can not be sons of the same father.  Full discussion of the discrepancy of the haplogroups of these two supposed brothers is covered in the following 2nd Case discussion.  For now we will deal with Y-DNA test results of Thomas Harvey b. 1617 :

Thomas Harvey b. 1617 :  Following are some details of the test results of living descendants of two American ancestral lineages - both of which claim descent through this Thomas Harvey and his wife Elizabeth Andrews :

Eight living male direct line descendants of two sons of Thomas Harvey b. 1617, each with a different individually determined paper trail, have been Y-DNA tested and found to have remarkably consistent test results.  In addition, five non-Harvey surname matches have joined Group 22 (today's grouping - subject to change.

Thomas Harvey b. 1643 and William Harvey b. 1645 are two sons of Thomas Harvey b. 1617 who have been Y-DNA tested through eight living male direct line descendants - one man is descended through Thomas b. 1643 and seven men descended through William b. 1645.  This haplotype of this family branch has been found to have remarkably consistent test results. These Y-DNA results include three unique markers exhibited by all who have been tested through at least 25 markers - ("unique" when compared against all other Harvey "R"-haplogroup tested members). These unique "Tag" markers are as follows :

DYS 447 @ 26 alleles - (unique - not found in any other tested Harvey lines)

DYS 448 @ 20 alleles - (unique - not found in any other tested Harvey lines)

DYS 449 @ 31 alleles - (very seldom found in any other tested Harveys nor does it exist as a "Tag* marker allele for any other Harvey Group)

These "Tag" marker values have been used as indicators of a very likely connection to descendants of the Thomas Harvey b. 1617 direct male line or to descendants of a family line closely paternally related to Thomas Harvey b. 1617 in England.      HOWEVER (UPDATE) :

: (Family Two - Group 21)

 : younger brother to the above listed Thomas (1643) and William (1645) just recently appears to have had two living male Harvey surnamed direct line descendant tested and they are found to also be of the R-M269 haplogroup.   These two matching testees are quite possibly NOT descended from Thomas Harvey b. 1617.  Surprisingly, while of the same basic haplogroup (R-M269), as determined for Family One (above), their haplotype pattern differs substantially and indicates a very, very, large time-separation (if related at all) of the two haplotypes when viewed from a genealogical time frame aspect.   Also of concern, the "Tag" marker values displayed above are only partially shared by these two Harvey testees.  However, inasmuch as this is the purported lineage developed by Oscar Jewell Harvey in his 1899 self-published "The Harvey Book" we have decided to show both sides of this story and wait for further testing to shed light on the situation.

The best resolution of this quandry would be to make connection to Y-DNA tested relatives of Thomas Harvey b 1617 currently living in England - meanwhile we plan to grind on with the hope of finding our answers on this side of the pond.  Recent developments in SNP testing are dramatically advancing and will undoubtedly be helpful solving such issues as this in years to come.

2nd Case :  (to be continued)

Bill Harvey
Administrator for the Harvey Y-DNA surname project hosted at FTDNA
A purely volunteer effort with no remuneration or benefit received from any entity