St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 131 members


If you have any Comments, Suggestions or Questions let me know, thank you.

Reviewing your "Account Information" settings.


1 - Go to this link

2 - Follow the suggested/recommended advice below

Remembering to click the "Save" button on each page you edit, or you may find you'll have to go back & do it all over again.


Account Information section

- Contact Information

Consider adding more than one email address, in case you loose access to your main email for some reason. Maybe the email of a relative or beneficiary or even one of your Project Admin's.  Any email/s you add could takeover management of the kit at some point in the future, if you are no longer able to do so.

- Beneficiary Information

Consider adding someone to be your Beneficiary of your results. If you don't have anyone to make your beneficiary, maybe ask one of your DNA Project Administrators if they would be willing. It is very sad that many people pass away without designating a kit beneficiary. That makes their DNA kit of limited use for future researchers.


Genealogy Tab

- Earliest Known Ancestors (Direct Paternal and Maternal)

Please add details of your Earliest Known Ancestors (Name, Birth & Death Year & County)

For example, John William Doe b.c1818 SRY d.1866 MDX

DO NOT put anything else, such as links, references, or other irrelevant information, in the Name Field.  The "Name Field" shows in all FTDNA projects you ae in, so need to be respectful, other wise you may be asked to "correct" the Name Field.

- Consider adding some family surnames (in the Surnames tab), including variants

I think this is quite self explanatory.


Privacy & Sharing Tab

Here you can set your "Matching Preferences", "Origin Sharing", "Family Tree Sharing"  and "Project Sharing"

- "Matching Preferences"
To get the best out of your DNA results, click the "Consent to Participate in Matching" then set the varius DNA matching levels to "all levels"

- "Origin Sharing" and "Project Sharing" 
Click the three "Opt in to Sharing" boxes. Again, you'll get the best out of your DNA results as well as helping Project Admins in assisting you.


Project Preferences tab

This lists all the "Surname, "Region" and "DNA" Projects you have joined

With the new GDPR privacy changes (as of 25 May 2018), any FamilyTreeDNA projects you may join, now have the default "Group Project Access Only" privacy settings.  This setting limits the information about your results that Project Admins can see, it also hinders them in assisting you regarding questions you may have.

Therefore as a Project Admin I encourage you to set your Project Preferences to "Limited Access"  This allows Project Admins to see your results more fully and better assist you.


Notification Preferences

Here you can set your Preferences for  "Family Finder", "mtDNA", Y-DNA, "Big Y-500" and "Projects"

Click on all boxes that show on the page. (Though males, you might want to unclick the Y-12 and Y-25 boxes, since matches at these levels are "junky" matches and don't really tell you that much.)

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