I2b I-L415, I2a2 (was I2c) I- L596

I-CTS2257 I2c I-L596 & I-BY32198 I2b I-L415 Haplogroup Project
  • 561 members

About us

As this is a YDNA HG Project you need to have tested or ordered Y12, Y25, Y37, Y67 or Y111 from FTDNA.

It is recommended that unless it is for economic reasons your minimum order should be for Y37.

When placing your order or after receiving your results go to https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/i-2nosubclade-m170p215/about/updates and click on the JOIN link on the right of the page banner and click join on the next page. Or go to http://members.bex.net/jtcullen515/haplotest.htm and follow the instruction there to predict you HG. 


If you are already a member of FTDNA, there is no extra cost to join the project. 

Where SNP testing has not determined Haplogroup for new members a predictive Haplogroup can bebtained by utilizing The World Haplogroup & Haplogroup-I Subclade Predictor at http://members.bex.net/jtcullen515/haplotest.htm The predicted subclade with largest percent prediction will be used to place the new members haplotype in the Y-DNA Results portion of the website.

: There is still a chance that the prediction could show an error of including I2b2a as there is no way to filter this group out, but there is a haplotype motif with 10, 12 at DYS445, 454 which almost always indicates I2b2.

Surname Projects pertain to recent ancestry, ie, four to twelve (or more) generations back. Haplogroup Projects pertain to a person's deep ancestry, ie, their ancient ethnic origins. This means thousands of years ago. So the research emphasis changes from genealogy to a mixture of Anthropology and Archaeology, but YDNA still continues to plays a major role. Anthropology is defined as the study of humans everywhere and throughout time. Archaeology is defined as the study of human cultures. YDNA is defined as Y-Chromosome DNA, and portains to the male DNA which is passed from father to son(s) virtually unchanged over the eons. The older YDNA 32, 67 and 111 STR test are now enhances by SNP testing using

a. targeted SNPs

b. SNP Packs

c. Big Y-500


HG L415 + L596

ISOGG Haplotree

Structure for Haplogroup I Haplogroup

I Subclade Predictor Tool

FTDNA Glossary

ISOGG Glossary

Haplogroup I (Y-DNA) at Wikipedia


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