I2b I-L415, I2a2 (was I2c) I- L596

I-CTS2257 I2c I-L596 & I-BY32198 I2b I-L415 Haplogroup Project
  • 563 members

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G’day all

26/7/2023 Over the past fw years since the introduction of the Big Y  -  BigY 500  -  BigY 700, the branches of the projext have grown and continue to grow with the addition of big Y700 results every week or two. Thank you to those who have tested to date.

I would like to see more of this testing for the groups still designated P215, M150, L596 as I am sure this would help them with their research as it has helped me. The family that was back to the grandfather, on the paternql side has now gone back 2 generations to thd great grandparents and filling out the cousins on each side. This is still continuing to this day.   For a brother and th eldest and yougest child ofd the great generation I havew now traced them back to the present. The Brother family I only got on to last week.

How can some of the members that have the ability help with increasing the number of BigY tests? Could we do as we di when we were building the project and using the STRs go bacxk to the system where a group banded together to get all of thaqt group up to the same level. eg 37, the 67, then 11 then BigY. It takes time yes, bot very rewarding to all when it was  finished.

How does it work. Anyone who is interested contact me with the details of the group they woulkd like to get together and work at this. I willthen contct all those members and as they agree we will for an email group. THis can work one of 2 ways' 1 you all email through me and i forward it to the group so that your email address is blind, or 2 If you all agree to have emailaddresses revealed we just email all dierectly. That is up to each individual group of which way they want to go or 3 a combination of boith methods. Unless you agree I will not send anyemail address to a group with youre email visible. Each purson agrees to pay into the group fund an amount that they can aford each week or fortnight.

Who gets tested when? Step one - get all of the group to 37 markers, Step 2 - then to 67 Step 3 - then 111 Step 4  -  then BigY. In what order - you decide foer steps 1 to 3 it is a simple thing to decide, but step 4 needs more considseration.

As in the previous effort I wqill publish  a break up of the fund by parcipating group under updates.

Anyway over to you.


Just a quick note to inform you that the results fromthe WTY have been posted and they found two new SNPs, L596 and L 597. These became I2c on the YDNA HG Tree.


6 Sep2010 -----Original Message ----- From: "Ken Nordtvedt" Sent: Sunday, September05, 2010 11:56 PM

Subject:[yDNAhgI] Exciting new I2* Clade

Over thelast couple days an exciting new, isolated (in both time and geography) cladeof I2* has been found.

1) It isfunny what excites some of us, and 2) I believe its I2*. Present count ofmembers consists of 6 Italians, 3 Croats, I Greek, 1 Serbian, and 1 Tyrolean?The clade, itself, looks to be only about 2000 years old to its TMRCA, but thiscould be biased down because such an isolated clade is likely to be found withits most conforming haplotypes first.

Buthere's what is so interesting:  it'sinterclade node with other clades of I2* are ancient. Let's call this clade fornow I2*-ADR; the I2* project folks may want to use a different clade nickname?Here are interclade node age estimates: ADR-Arm 12,000 years ADR-J 15,500 yearsADR-14 12,750 years ADR-13 12,900 years ADR-12 14,000 years

Armstands for Armenian cluster; J stands for Jewish cluster. The estimated TMRCAsfor Arm, J, 12, 13, 14 clades are all much, much less than 12,000 years Ethnicclades J and Arm seem to be affiliated with I2*-14 clade. The J clade is soyoung it just reaches back to a historic era TMRCA.

Membersfor this new I2*-ADR were found in ysearch, smgf, ancestry.com, yhrd, and othergeographical projects. Just the Greek has snp tests, and they point toward I2*but have not totally closed the deal yet (P38+, P37-, M223-, M253-)

There isa brand new I2* project with gung-ho administrators. I2* seems to be ourdeepest in time peek into the origins of y haplogroup I due to mainly to itsage and pecularities of its geographical distribution in Europe and SW Asia. Myown database contains hundreds of I2* haplotypes.

Only asmall fraction of them have joined the I2* project so far because of thenewness of the project. I urge I2* folks to join that project. Some of thebenefits are discounts on further STR or SNP tests. Many of these I2*haplotypes I see in my database only have a limited number of STR markers. Byexpanding to the full 67 plus smgf markers, you could greatly help researchinto the phylogenetic tree structure of I2* and learn how your line relates toit all. Here's the address for the I2* project. Join up and let's try to findout where our haplogroup I earliest ancestors were and when? http://www.familytreedna.com/public/I2nosubcladeM170P215/default.aspxKen


My initial reason for DNA testing was to try and identify a male line between 100and 200 hundred years ago. This aim so far has not been achieved, but my interest in YDNA and what was going on with the I2* haplogroup has increase and intensified over the last months to make me want to really nail down where this male line originated.

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