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Iranian DNA Project

  • 491 members

About us

Project Goals

Broad targets the project hopes to achieve during its' activity

1) Establish the extent of Y-DNA and mtDNA diversity in Iran
2) Identify Y-DNA haplotypes through STR's and investigate their geographical range
3) Discover the Y-DNA and mtDNA frequencies within specific Iranian ethnic groups
4) Investigate the Y-DNA subclades exhibited by those with documented Seyyed ancestry
5) Provide a platform for private independent genealogical research for future projects concerning Iranians
6) Purchase kits and upgrades for Iranian users through external funding

Plan of Action

Current Phase underlined. 

Phase I - Consolidation

  • Arrange all Y-DNA samples into distinct sub-categories (based on ethno-linguistic lines or relevant ancestral qualifiers) [Completed 19/03/2012]
  • Arrange all mtDNA samples into distinct sub-categories (based on ethno-linguistic lines or relevant ancestral qualifiers)
  • "Solve" ambiguous participants (particularly those accrued before current administrator's tenure)
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