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Iranian DNA Project

  • 491 members

About us

59.00+9.95 dollars from Group General Fund used to buy a FF test for a Tajik female originally from Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

- 55 Y-DNA samples in 17 valid subgroups
- 13 mtDNA samples in 4 valid subgroups
- Plan of Action listed in Goals section (Project currently in Phase I - Consolidation)
- Unassigned (Potential Iranian Ancestry) divided into two; Distant and Potential to discern those with confirmed genealogical links to Iran (formerly Persia) with suspected associations only

- 54 members across 17 Y-DNA subgroups
- mtDNA results to be collated properly by next update
- Project to continue receiving results with no further investigation until 100 Y-DNA samples and at least 50 mtDNA samples gathered

- 37 members across 11 Y-DNA subgroups
- Project now reveals mtDNA lineages and is no longer specifically oriented towards Y-DNA
- Iranian Y-DNA Project renamed to reflect the above change
- Project currently in consolidation phase to address large number of unassigned Iranians

- 34 members including the 12 whose paternal ethno-linguistic identity is still pending
- 10 ethno-linguistic groups formed
- Project Background section updated

- This page has been created
- Several users have joined the project with some having no clear connection with Iran. Consolidation of the user-base will continue until the "Unassigned" category has been near-completely emptied
- A Fund Donation link has been created. As a newly-emerging project, financial support would greatly benefit our cause, regardless of the amount
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