Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNAmtDNA, & All  Bundles! Now through Jan 1st.


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  • 923 members

About us

Started in 2001 with only 6 participants.  We have all come a long way, and have grown by reading the research. DNA is changing the world of genealogy. It does not take away the paper trail research which remains absolutely necessary, but DNA testing is the accurate measure.

To enter the KING Project, it is required that the tester is male - even if a proxy for the female who does the actual work.
It is also requested that any and all entries are prepared to go to the absolute minimum of Y37, but in the R1b Haplogroup, Y111 is preferred.  This is because the majority of Western testers have the R1b Haplogroup (now known as R-M269).  And anything below Y67 can turn up some not quite accurate matches.

The higher the level anyone tests, the better the outcome.  Especially when trying to differentiate the various family lineages.

On our KING DNA Project "landing page", please go to <DNA Results> and click  on “Y-DNA” (preferably the colourised version) to see YDNA Results.  Some families are listed alphabetically by name of Eldest KING Ancestor.