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KING YDNA Project Newsletter

The KING Project is growing exponentially with 300 participants at present. We have 25 Subgroups of 2-5+ members, positively identifying DNA markers for their KING family lines.

A new sub-group has started to establish the YDNA signature for descendents of Michael KING b. prob. near Norwich, England. He was in Nansemond Co., VA. by 1667 died ca. 1700. Tom Howland, Co-GAP has been recruiting descendents of Michael KING for our project.

So far we have found 25 KING family lines w/2-10 participants in each. Some were completely unaware of their family relationship until they were notified of their YDNA matches. Most of these KING families go back to the 1700's in the U.S. - VA, SC, NC, TN, KY, IRE - British Isles, GER, Belguim, NE and SE US states.

Others, like descendents of the DeConninck fam. of Flanders (Belguim), had a paper trail back to the 1500's, that was confirmed by the YDNA tests. Often, as the family tree goes back further in time, it is more and more difficult to find adequate genealogical evidence to make connections. Connections are sometimes made based on insufficient information, such as a person with the same surname being in the same location. DNA testing can confirm a familial line. A DeConninck descendent sent the following letter:

"Our Kings came over to North American about 1679 from the Netherlands. Until 1825 they lived in Delaware when they moved to Ohio. In 1839 they moved to Iowa and by 1853 had settled in Southwest Iowa in Taylor County near the town of Bedford."

"I wrote and published a 1,300 page genealogy book GENEALOGY of ISAAC KING & MARY HANKINS KING, 1500'S - 1999. A distant cousin of mine, Dr. Robert Eugene King & Doris R. Jones wrote even a larger genealogy book, (1841 pages) in 1980 about our King family that came over here from The Netherlands. It was titled HISTORY of the KING FAMILY in FLANDERS & AMERICA."

"The reason the three of us had our 25 marker test done was to determine if our markers would be identical. This we wanted to know because if they were the same, we all have the same MRCA King ancestor who came here from Europe in 1679. #25277 line broke off from that of #25276, and myself in the first generation after arriving in this country. We were elated, therefore, to find that we all have the same 25 markers! There were reports of an adoption in #25277's family sometime in the 1800's; also my King branch was very thin around 1750 (with one of my grandfathers apparently an only child)."

"You can imagine how elated we were to find that what we have in the two King books above are correct!. Without your test we would never have known for sure; so what a service you have performed for our families! WOW!"

"Thank you for your fine service!"

It is so uplifting to get a ringing endorsement like the letter above. All GAP's and Co-GAP's (like Peter and I), are Volunteers, so getting a
pat on the head occasionally is very motivating!!

We hope the success the above KING fam. lines have had, will inspire those of you who have not been tested yet.

Group Administrator
KING DNA Project

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