
  • 61 members

About us

Our primary goal is to discover whether John Littleton who appeared as a teenager in the mid 1600's in Accomack Co, VA is related to the Shropshire Littleton family to which Col. Nathaniel Littleton, who also emigrated to Accomack, VA, in 1635, but whose male line failed after three generations, belonged. We also hope to ascertain how many distinct Littleton lines there are in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada, Ireland, and elsewhere. Finally, we hope to test males named Westcote (or Westcott), as Sir Thomas Littleton (1407-1481), the probable common ancestor of a great many Littleton lines, was the son of Thomas Westcote. However, his mother, Elizabeth de Littleton, insisted that he be given her surname. Thus, we should also share Y-DNA factors in common with descendants of Thomas Westcote and/or his male forebears.
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