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Polk-Pollock-Pogue DNA Project

PPP DNA Project
  • 525 members

About us

For general remarks on the project please go to Overview. Additional comments will also be found at Activity Feed.

DNA can be tested in different ways which are quite distinct and complementary. These include STR marker testing, SNP testing (Big Y-700), autosomal (Family Finder) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) testing. All help with sorting out lines of descent,

- Y-chromosome STR (Short Tandem Repeat) marker test results for all project participants that have been Y-DNA tested are posted at this site, Click on the "DNA Results" link at the left to see them, and on the "Results" link above for further explanation.

- Y-Chromosome SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) test results from Big Y testing are shown on the personal page of each person tested. Click on the "Block Tree" link to see the results in graphic format. This displays the SNPs found in the male line of descent of the tested person.. Closely related branches are also displayed in adjacent columns of the Block Tree, showing the SNP branch points and listing the tested persons in those branches.

- Autosomal DNA (atDNA) test results (aka Family Finder) are posted on the tested person's personal page as a list of "matches," i.e. genetic cousins identified in the testing, the measured amount of shared atDNA, in centimorgans (cM), and the estimated degree of kinship are indicated. The number of matches is usually quite large (thousands) so the search filter should be used to limit the display to manageable numbers. By entering a specific surname of interest, only genetic matches claiming that surname in their ancestry will be displayed. Autosomal DNA is what Ancestry and 23andMe look at in their testing. If you have been tested at either of those places you can have the results transferred to FTDNA at no cost.

- Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is passed from mother to daughter without change except for random and infrequent mutations. It is used for tracing direct female lines of descent but is not relevant in researching male lineages of a single family surname so is not relevant to this project.

A forum for discussing results will be found at the Pollock, Polk and Associated Surnames Genealogy Group on Facebook - Any interested person may join it; there is no requirement for kinship or testing.


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