R L513 and Subclades

R1b-L513 and Subclades Project inc. DF1,L193,S5668,S6365,S5892,CTS3087,CTS11744
  • 2165 members

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The detailed kit by kit haplotype results of current testing are on the four reports that are accessible from "DNA Results" on the menu bar to the left or under “R1b-L513 Project Reports” below. 

R1b-L513 Descendant Tree Charts

Surnames are placed on the Descendant Trees as validated by SNP testing. A full list of surnames so far found in R1b-L513 is at www.familytreedna.com/groups/R-L513/surnames.

R1b-L513 Overview Descendant Tree .PDF file

Tip of iceberg overview. The .PDF file types are easier to read and zoom in on. A free Adobe Acrobat type PDF reader is needed to view.

R1b-L513 Descendant Tree S5668 Subclades .PDF file

The S5668 Subclades detail chart, which is above.

R1b-L513 Descendant Tree S6365 and misc. Subclades .PDF file

The S6365 and misc. Subclades detail chart above.

R1b-L513 Ancient DNA findings

R1b-L513 Age Estimates and FTDNA Haplotree

R1b-L513 Age Estimates .PDF file

Time to Most Recent Ancestor (TMRCA) estimates for subclades of R1b-L513 by David Vance.

R1b-L513 FTDNA Public Haplotree

FTDNA's detailed R1b-L513 haplotree is at this link. It shows all branches including both lead and phylogenetic equivalent SNPs in the VARIANTS few. You can also few branches by COUNTRY or SURNAME. You can also view the most current version of the haplotree by logging into your FTDNA account and clicking on "Haplotree & SNPs". On the FTDNA haplotree displayed internally from your account you also see your personal results color coded.

R1b-L513 FTDNA Project Reports

R1b-L513 Project Y Classic Haplotype Details Report

Y Classic detailed report of all Y STR values for every member in the projected sorted by project subgroup. Check this report for project administrator recommendations on STR and SNP testing. The report comes in multiple pages so as not to be slow, but you can view all of the pages at once if you enter 9000 into “page size.” If you are looking for a particular name or kit number you can do a “Ctrl-F” or “Find” from your internet browser.

R1b-L513 Project Y Colorized Haplotype Details Report

Y Colorized detailed report of all Y STR values for every member in the projected sorted by project subgroup. This report has average (mean, mode, median) statistics for each STR for each subgroup. This is includes the mode (most common), the minimum and the maximum values. Genetic genealogists often use the modal value as a proxy for the ancestral value for a subclade. This is not always true, but it is oftentimes very helpful to look for an a pattern of unusual values within a clade or subclade. This is called an STR signature and if you can identify a group that you fit into with a shared STR signature that can help your SNP testing be more efficient as the signature may indicate an underlying SNP marked subclade.

R1b-L513 Project Y SNP Results Report

Y SNP detailed report of all actual SNP test results for every member in the project. SNPs are very stable so they are used to validate or disqualify branches that project members st on. This report is very useful if you can determine a valid STR signature from the reports mentioned above. If you have other project members that you have close Genetic Distances (on your myFTDNA Y matches webpage) or you have members that match your STR signature you can search through this SNP report and see if your matches have tested for certain SNPs and see what their results are.

R1b-L513 Project Y Ancestor Map

Y Ancestor Map that will show you the distribution of various project subgroups. You select which subgroup you want to view. You can use this to get an idea of where certain subgroups might be from. Be cautious, though, a point of origin is not necessarily the point with a high frequency of a particular subgroups. Many researchers think higher STR diversity and the presence of brother subclades is more indicative of origins.

R1b-L513 Additional Resources and Discussion:

R1b-L513 Facebook group.