Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.

Richards DNA Surname

  • 352 members

About us

Our goal is to discover close matches among members that will help them identify common ancestors and expand their family trees.

Members who closely match each other will be organized into subgroups. Members without close matches will be grouped by top-level Haplogroup, e.g. I, J, or R.

Note: Perfect matches on the first 12 markers are not considered a close match. Members must have tested at least 25 markers before a subgroup will be created.


To achieve our goals we need each member of the group to provide genealogy information in two places:

1. Log into your account here on Family Tree DNA with your kit number and password. Click My Account and choose Personal Profile. Look at Most Distant Ancestor-Paternal.  If that field is blank, please add the name of your most distant Richards paternal line ancestor with birth and death data, if known. This information will appear next to your kit number in the Y-DNA Results tables.

2. Please submit genealogical data on your direct paternal line to the administrator, Dave Godfrey.