Sinclair DNA Study

  • 747 members

About us

The Sinclair DNA Project is a global project and open to all who are interested in this family's genealogy. All variant spellings are welcome. If your Surname spelling is close, but missing, we'll be glad to add it. We're growing rapidly and are adding important members of the clan with known paper documentation dating back over 400 years and more. You are very welcome to join our Sinclair DNA study. The new push in our family is Big Y 700 testing with Family Tree DNA. It is the definitive answer as to your connections back in time. The Orkney and Caithness group has solved their connections this way. We're solving the Herdmanston group and closing in on the narrative of the medieval Saint-Clair family. You can do this as well. It's somewhat expensive, but not difficult. Contact us at the link above to discuss next steps. Also, join our very active Clan Sinclair association - Clan Sinclair Australia Clan Sinclair Canada Clan Sinclair USA Clan Sinclair Italy
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