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Sinclair DNA Study

  • 750 members

About us

The Sinclair DNA study has very clear empirical goals, all of them based on gaining a better understanding of our complicated history:
  1. Recruit more participants from under-represented parts of the world, including England, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, etc.
  2. Continue to find inventive ways to educate our participants so they get more out of their participation in the St Clair / Sinceler / Sinclair DNA Study.
  3. Continue to focus on DNA SNP studies for our existing Sinclair / St Clair / Sinceler members. Stay abreast of the latest findings and bring that news to our members.
  4. Continue to help our Lineage members connect with one another so as to compare genealogical records.
  5. Continue to stress the importance of rigorous documents research.
  6. Push for the latest testing advances, now including FTDNA's Big Y test with TMRCA validation by
  7. Fundraising for Lineages

    The Big Y is an expensive test but the pay-off is incredibly rewarding. In order to identify SNPs for each lineage within the early medieval to genealogical timeframe – our target age range - we need a minimum of two members in each lineage to test out to the Big Y. However, the most affordable way to do this is to club together to fund this. It could be $10-20 donation, or more if you so wish. The larger lineages could soon pay for the test with smaller donations. So please consider doing so if you wish to explore further possibilities for your specific lineage.

    The donate button is to your left. You can specify which lineage fund you wish the donation to go toward. If you are unsure which one, please visit the results page.