Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 145 members

About us

** A Y-DNA test is required for membership of this project. ** This group has identified three Sloan lines: one line primarily descended from 1754 Scots-Irish immigrants George/Thomas/Robert Sloan of County Louth and County Armagh; a second large group whose Sloan ancestors can be found in PA/NY/NC/SC in the 1800's; and a third line which is very small and belongs to a relatively rare type of haplogroup R1b. None of the three lines are related. Our results are intriguing & bode well for future members as we seek to expand our base of scientific data & identify distinct Sloan family lines. We encourage and welcome all male Sloans to join our test.