About us
Welcome to the Stevenson – Stephenson Y-DNA Project!
Our project aims to help separate out the various Stevenson ancestral lineages, and to help members determine which lineage is theirs.
If you are a Stevenson-surname male (any spelling variation), or a man who has reason to believe they descend from a Stevenson-surname male, we would love to have you and your Y-DNA test in our project. We also welcome all project participants who manage a Y-test for a Stevenson-surname male.
If you have not yet Y-DNA tested, we recommend the Big Y700 if it is within your budget, as it provides the most genetic information of all of the existing FTDNA tests. That being said, many of us can meet our goals with a basic Y-37 STR test. Male testers who aren’t interested in matches can get a basic haplogroup assignment from a simple Family Finder (FF) autosomal test - though the information the FF provides is usually not enough to help us with our genealogy.
If you are unable to find a Stevenson-surname male relative to test but you yourself have an autosomal test, you are welcome to contribute to an emerging project we are developing at Wikitree (click to our Links page for a live link).
Our public project pages are organized topically:
Background - provides some basic information about the project
Goals - where our member-supplied lineages appear, with some added notes
News - features project updates along with a bit of history
Results - explains our public results pages
Project Statistics - updates frequently as we add new members, haplogroups, and tests
You are welcome to browse our results and goals (lineages) pages to see if you might recognize your own Stevenson family group. Our detailed STR results chart can be reached by selecting DNA Results from the menu on the left. The spreadsheets that used to be provided in two forms - classic and colorized - are now combined into one report. Users can toggle the minimum, maximum, and modal values for each STR marker off and on. Color coding still show which markers differ from the modal values.
Selecting Map allows us to see where the earliest known ancestors (EKA) of each sub-group concentrate geographically, as well as to pinpoint specific member-provided locations for each individual earliest ancestor. The SNPs section displays very granular SNP results for each of our member tests, and is a favorite of our geekier members.
Lastly, the Time Tree is a fabulous new tool for everyone. It allows us to select various subgroups/haplogroups and see at what point they might have diverged in the past, based on current time estimates. For someone who once presumed that two Stevenson men are surely more closely related to each other than they are to, say, a Miller, this tool can be a real eye opener! Many of our Stevenson subgroups, even those with roots in the same country, actually separated thousands of years ago. New in 2024 for Big Y test takers is the 'match time tree' which places your named Big Y matches on the tree with you.
Switching back to the menu on the left we find Surnames, a list of surname variations included in our project. If we have missed any variations, please let us know!
We also have an Activity Feed and Photos for members, as well as a list of helpful Links and FAQs for everyone. Check the activity feed monthly for project news of note, and don't be shy about leaving comments or asking questions!
Thanks for paying us a visit. We hope you are motivated to take or manage a Y-DNA test that will help you meet your genealogical goals, and help all of our members further their Stevenson – Stephenson research.