
  • 165 members

About us

As of August 2017 the The Stockton Surname Project currently has 121 Members

We continue to make discoveries about the various Stockton Lines.

A member from the R-M269 group recently tells us;
"New Stocktoninformation that was revealed to me about a month ago by a descendant of oursin Frankfort, Kentucky, there is a handwritten letter regarding our JamesStockton who came from England with his 3 brothers just prior to 1791 when hisyoungest son was born". This is of great interest on both sides of the Atlantic for members of this group. 

2004 The new year brings results from 2 new project members, both DNA donors are from the United Kingdom, we are waiting on the return of a 3 DNA test kit, also a participant from the UK. The results establish another distinct Stockton line for future matches and one line that is only a 1 step mutation away from the Richard Stockton of New Jersey family line, this could represent a match or a very close relationship to our New Jersey Stockon line, we may have found a bridge across the water! With the participation of other Stockton DNA donors we may yet find additional be continued

2003 "The Stockton DNA Project has signed on its 2nd participant from the UK, This Stockton line believes its roots may have originated in Malpas (the Richard Stockton from New Jersey, USA. line is also thought to have originated in this area)

2003 With the results of our first United Kingdom participate in "The Stockton DNA Project" has now identified 4 distinct and individule Stockton family lines and 3 unique Haplo groups.

2003 "The Stockton DNA Project" has its first project member from the UK, we now have 13 Stockton DNA project members representing 4 documented family lines and 3 distinct bloodlines.

2003 - "The Stockton DNA Project" has been contacted by several of our English Stockton Cousins and a few members of "The Stockton Society" inquiring about inclusion in the project.........Stay tuned! .