About us
JET Updated on 6-20-21
Project goals
- Help you understand the information offered by familytreedna.com
- Answer your questions about what a test result means.
- To aid Taylor families in linking together through DNA results
Our primary focus is on paternal lineages (hence, Y-DNA) and the Taylor surname
What you as a member need to do
How much you benefit from your project membership depends largely on your participation and the information you provide. Respond to emails from project administration and those with whom you match.
We recommend a Y-DNA test of 37 or more markers in order to establish genealogically significant genetic matches. Lesser tests contain less genetic information, carry less confidence and are less precise. (Some members will need more than 37 markers to resolve ambiguities.)
TELL A TAYLOR about the DNA testing. He might just be the connection for some Taylor in our project. The larger the number of participants, the better the chances for all of us to find a perfect match!
Be persistent and patient. Log into your personal FT-DNA page often and check for matches. More appear constantly, but it may take a while for yours to show up. Don't be afraid to ask questions or communicate with the admins. We want to hear from you.
Getting started - update your profile
This is where you enter important information that will allow others to contact you and find your common links
Go to the following two tabs at the top of your home page and enter information requested
My Tree: Submit your Taylor lineage in a gedcom file for sharing with those you match
My Projects : click on where there are five horizontal tabs.
Account Information
Privacy and Sharing
Group Project Admin Access
Notification Preference
Contact Information
- Your name and address
- An e-mail address for contact and keep it current. Matches may take time(possibly, years) to develop, as new members join.
- Other information can also be entered (My personal story, a picture,etc.)
Beneficiary Information : a contact is someone you choose to manage your account, including your kit and any remaining DNA sample, after you pass away.
- Earliest Known Ancestor : Enter your Most Distant(earliest) maternal and paternal ancestors Ancestor information on your My FT-DNA page. Include given names, birth & death dates, and birth & death places so that the ancestor is uniquely identified. ("Mr. Taylor"doesn't cut it.)
Surnames can be entered or uploaded
Privacy and Sharing To view your DNA relatives, you must opt in to matching.
Group Project Administrator Access: Opt in to sharing allows us to help you better by seeing what you can see. This is, basically a “look but don't touch"setting.
Notification Preferences Email notifications will be sent to you by Family Tree DNA when you have a new match at the levels you select.Review and choose the level. For example, some of us have set to receive Y-DNA notifications on Y 25 or greater in order to not receive notifications for Y12
DONATIONS to our Taylor project to assist in funding Y-DNA tests to 37 markers are always welcome. Email to: http://www.familytreedna.com/contribution.html and tell them it's for TAYLOR.REQUESTS for funding may be made by sending an email to one of the administrative team members. We require submission of a well-documented Taylor lineage and a paternal lineage tree reaching back to at least to 1850 or earlier
Please note we have very limited resources and we subsidize Y-STR tests which we think will benefit more than one project member who has paid for their own test. We will subsidize only 37-marker tests or upgrades to 37 marker tests from a 12 or 25 marker test,and may grant only a partial amount of the cost.