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About us

JET Updated on 6-21-21

SNPs take on new importance

We are quickly learning that y-SNP testing (in addition to standard y-STR) is gaining genealogical significance as more is discovered about the human Y-chromosome. For example, if you have "too many" STR matches, please write the project admin for suggestions. 


FTDNA match notices have a liberal reporting threshold. Bear in mind that matches are screening filters to help you judge which are worth following up. Often, they indicate a shared paternal relationship but sometimes (the more distant ones) they don't. 

As much as feasible, we investigate each and, if judged significant, send you an e-mail message trying to put the match into genealogical significance. (If you have not received a match notice,it is probably because no new significant matches have been found for you.)


Expanding membership worldwide, particularly in the British Isles, is a project priority. We welcome Taylors around the world to participate in our project. Subsidies may be available, see "Financial Assistance"  under  Goals Tab


We've found 83 unique genetic family groups (AKA, "matching groups" or "clusters"), plus one matching the Western Atlantic Modal Haplotype, another for one marker off from WAMH, and one for the ":"Niall of the Nine Hostages" haplotype.

  • The Niall haplotype is said to represent the ancient kings of Ireland. 
  • WAMH stands for Western Atlantic Modal haplotype; it is the most common 12-marker pattern found in western Europe and the Americas. Found within the R1b1a2 (R-M269) Haplogroups, it does not necessarily represent a common ancestor within genealogical time.