About us
Treinfhir is the Irish language origin of the surname which now has many variants. Welcome to all Tr'n'rs!
The Treinfhir clan’s history has been unfolding over the past 4000 years in Ireland --and beyond. We are descended from ancient kings like Niall of the Nine Hostages and MaineMor of the UiMaine, and Irish saints like Saint Macartan.
Surnames have evolved as Trainer, Trainor, Trayner, Traynor, Treanor, Treinfhir, Trener, Trenor or McCreanor.
This Treinfhir DNA Project was launched in 2019, initially to understand the patrilineal lineage via Y-DNA. It has expanded in 2022 to help identify cousins via atDNA (autosomal DNA). Now also includes mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) to learn more about matrilineal lines.
We use DNA testing to assist in genealogical research, learn more about our shared history, and to expand and deepen our connections to each other. We focus on three kinds of DNA tests to accomplish this: Big-Y, autosomal (atDNA) and full-sequence mitochondrial (mtDNA) tests.
Who can take a DNA test to participate?
• Males take Big-Y test provided by this company, FamilyTreeDNA
• Females and males take full sequence mtDNA tests provided by this company.
• Females and males take atDNA tests at any company and upload their results to GEDmatch, where our Treinfhir Ancestor Group has testers from many companies.
Who can join the Treinfhir DNA Project?
On this site Family Tree DNA-
Any male who has a Y DNA test in the project.
Any person who was born with the surname Treinfhir (and variants)
Any person who has Treinfhir (and variants) on their direct matrilineal line (mother’s mother’s mother)
On GEDmatch-
Any person with a Treinfhir ancestor who has taken an atDNA test.
• Each family has a male take a Big Y DNA test, and share results here.
• Each family has someone take an mtDNA test when there is a Treinfhir on the direct matrilineal line, and share results here.
• Oldest (generation) available person takes an atDNA test, make results visible, and post to GEDmatch Treinfhir group.