The Tripp Surname DNA Project organized October 2005.
We have a genetic profile for John Tripp "The Founder" (1611-1678) based on 13 test kits.
Advanced SNP testing of John's descendants place him in haplogroup R-FGC22516.
We have established 5 distinct TRIPP genetic lines including those of Sylvanus Tripp (b. c1662 Kittery, Maine) and Nicholas Tripp (1720-1799) of NC/SC.
Sylvanus Tripp was long thought to be the 13th child of John and Mary (Paine) Tripp of Portsmouth, Rhode Island but DNA testing of his descendants show this not to be the case.
Nicholas Tripp was believed to be the grandson of John and Mary (Paine) Tripp through their son Peleg. DNA testing has refuted this theory.
The origins of Sylvanus and Nicholas are yet to be determined as are several other Tripp genetic lines.
The Tripp Surname DNA project supports "Genetic Genealogy Standards" published in January, 2015. See for details. The standards provide an ethical framework to integrate genetic DNA testing into your research.