About us
Overview and Commentary
The surname Walsh and its variants like Welch, Welsh, Walshe, etc. represent a group of paternal lineages that are primarily from Ireland. This makes sense as the most accepted surname origin explanation is that this surname was attached to people in Ireland who came from Wales. Hence they were Welsh men. As such, the surname was broadly applied so many people with the surname are not closely related, at least as far as their paternal lineages.
To be completed....
Project Y DNA Detail Reports
Y Colorized project chart - Detailed report of all Y STR values for every member in the projected sorted by project subgroup. This report has statistics for each STR for each subgroup. This is includes the mode (most common), the minimum and the maximum values. Genetic genealogists often use the modal value as a proxy for the ancestral value for a subclade. This is not always true, but it is oftentimes very helpful to look for an a pattern of unusual values within a clade or subclade. This is called an STR signature and if you can identify a group that you fit into with a shared STR signature that can help your SNP testing be more efficient as the signature may indicate an underlying SNP marked subclade.
Y DNA SNP project report - Detailed report of all actual SNP test results for every member in the project. This report is very useful if you can determine a valid STR signature from the reports mentioned above. If you have other project members that you have close Genetic Distances (on your myFTDNA Y matches webpage) or you have members that match your STR signature you can search through this SNP report and see if your matches have tested for certain SNPs and see what their results are.
Ancestor project Map - Shows you the distribution of various project subgroups. You select which subgroup you want to view. You can use this to get an idea of where certain subgroups might be from. Be cautious, though, a point of origin is not necessarily the point with a high frequency of a particular subgroups. Many researchers think higher STR diversity and the presence of brother subclades is more indicative of origins.
Other Sources of Information
Origins of the Walsh surname by Dennis Walsh
Folklore of the Walsh families in Ireland by Dennis Walsh
Crests of the Walsh families by Dennis Walsh
Locations of the Walsh Families in Ireland by Dennis Walsh
FTDNA Project Activity Feed
Facebook discussion group for the surnames Walsh, Walshe, Welch, Welsh and other variants
The Lament of John MacWalter Walsh (a poem)
Assemble round, O, dear children of my soul, ours is a sad tale of woe, and with sorrow shall be recounted; the harvest of death lies in sward, but no ripening sun shall perfect it. The wonted champion of your cause lies low, who pleaded your just rights in the legal court, the man of gentle manners who indulged you in excursions of pleasure, nor assigned to you the wench's drudging labours, nor yet the decent matron's household care, but calm and unruffled, in a life of easy affluence, your task was to braid your flowing hair, to form the famed locks, ornamented with silver and pearl. Ah me, he will forsake you ever more.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Whoever might again behold thee, as I one day have seen thee, in the pride of thy strength, and fair as the white blossom of spring; on thy front sat grace and each attraction of love, well adapted was thy tongue to the sweet powers of eloquence. Seven distinct languages did thy memory retain. In Irish thou didst far excel, and in the language of Britain; as thy mother tongue to thee flowed Greek and Latin; with ease thou didst comprehend the languages of Spain and Gaul, and thy perfection in Italian was unquestioned. Yet vain, alas! the use, and vain the pride of these splendid gifts, evermore are they vanished, and vanished with them art thou.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Graceful wouldst thou appear cased in a coat of mail, or beneath the ponderous helmet; ponderous not with brass or copper, but with gold, bright flaming amidst radiant silver, or with thine hat of beaver fur, and formed with Hispanian art, or with thy smoothly pliant boots, devoid of rift, and spurs of gold, with ornaments replete; or when thou would lay prostrate thy dread foes in greaves of silver armed, or in thy sinewy grasp when thou wouldst take thy golden hilted rapier of dreadful length, and formed with the nicest art. Ah, my sad sorrow, weak and nerveless is thy arm now, that arm which made thee victorious in every contest.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Lonely now is my state, and truly forlorn as one solitary fish left by the ebbing tide, or one lonely pale of a broken fence, or an only tree in a desert vale, whose vernal bloom hath faded, and whose branches are withered on high, or a sheep newly shorn of its sheltering wool. The children of my mother are no more, except Edmund and Mary. I say it, nor hesitate to affirm it, without reproach to those who remain, they had been the flower of the whole progeny. Ah, woe eternal this day, they exist not for me. Had they lived, I should hope the Walshs of the Mountain would not be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Small wonder it were that I should affect to dwell like the daw on the lofty tree, or like the eagle on the lofty summit of the tall mountains, or devoid of sober reason wander along each trackless way, or plunge with active bound into the whelming depth of ocean, since now I am bereft of the pride of my dear kindred. As tall oaks they grew, that spread wide their branches around, or a wide extended wood with all its stately boughs; but withered now at top is each remaining tree, or prostrate by the tempest from ocean, save a few tender saplings unprotected from the threatened storm, while the fierce foe hovers round. Ah, woe is me. My kindred are gone forever more.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where now is Philip, who came over the great depth of ocean, the strenuous chief who shrank not from the battle's rage, who slew the fierce Dane in the mighty conflict, the proud and haughty Gilbert from Berba's rugged coast, the son of a mighty chieftain whose fleets invaded the land of Erin, who slaughtered the race of Milesius, and spread his cruel bondage over the land, till Philip sunk in ocean the stern pride of the chief; but alas! long hath the swift hero slept in death; had he lived the sad event should not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is the dear relative of FitzStephen , whose compact and pleasant mansion rose in Castleheil, where the daughter of Raymonds o'er the ocean partook each joy and comfort. Long hath the great and good man been laid low, while the revengeful foe harass his devoted race. Had he lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is Giffin, renowned for deeds of prowess, the son-in-law of O'Donnell of Ballyshannon, the good and gentle man of conciliating manners, the chief who copiously dealt around his wines, whose vast flocks were tended by a hundred herdsmen, and who parcelled out districts and whole regions to his relatives. Had he lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is the youthful Walter of deeds benign, whose castle beside the mountain rose in stately pride, with whom the sacred Nuncio was once an honored guest; nor deemed he the mansion to be the abode of mortal race, such rare domestic order appeared around. The beer flowed from the capacious vat, and the labouring pump poured forth its gushing waters while alternately each hand cast forth the golden dice. His fame widespread around the land of Erin, widely it extended over the distant regions of the earth. Not louder the sounding echo of the mountain summit than the gushing of his wines to regale the sons of Erin. Each imagined he enjoyed an immortal banquet, so profusely they quaffed exquisite wines; but ah, my sad grief, he hath forsaken us evermore.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is Robert? where is James? or the good and gentle Walter of Currohill? or the Knight, swift, valiant and mighty, who overthrew in the conflict his foreign foes? Sadly hath each succession of these passed away; they are past, and Edmund, O my grief, is no more; had they lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where are thou O Philip? thou rightful heir of Knockmoylan; the heir wert thou of the sportful hounds; oft hath thy course been through the wood of Minawn, and oft didst thou urge urge hounds to chase through the wood of Cunawn, and oft was thine excursion of pleasure to the banks of Lingawn -- ah, my sad grief and woeful affliction, the roebuck will frequent the banks of Lingawn, peaceful will he graze the flowery plain, no heir on his swift steed will mar his repose. They alas! are lowly laid in death; beneath a monumental weight they rest, and hopeless their return from Kilbeacon; had they lived the sad event should not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Whither art thou fled O Chief of the people? Farewell to thee O Sarsfield, thy forces are disbanded, and thou art gone to the kingdom of France, thy sad tale thou dost relate to the princess -- that thou hast left Erin in affliction, and her children overwhelmed with woe; couldst thou return again with life, the sad event would ne'er have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Vainly do I now recount my dear relatives, they are wide dispersed and their progeny a wandering race, the Burkes from the borders of Suir to Bawnrock, the posterity of the Earl from the western Awly, the race of Carroll and O'Connor Faley, and the descendants of the Earl O'Brien of Blarney, the youthful John of Clogher, famed for his unrivalled steeds, Edmond, son of Peter, of Slievarda, the Butlers, esteemed by their foes of prowess, the posterity of Power beneficent and mighty, the great Cantwell famed for his splendid mansion; ah, my sad misfortune, they lie beneath the monumental marble; had they lived the sad event would not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
No word I should have to wail my dear relations; the nobles of Erin are wide dispersed around, the Chiefs of generous soul have forsaken us since the cruel visitation of Cromwell, and that monarch stern and ungentle to the race of Erin. The Earl of Tyrone and his relatives dwell in Ulster's princely dome, but overwhelmed with grief and sorrow. Tyrconnell laments with unceasing plaint the fate of O'Donnell -- O'Donnell of the sharp and weighty sword.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Corkalee wails without respite her chieftains slain in the fierce conflict, O'Driscoll, O'Flinn, O'Leary, O'Hay, O'Deady, and the race of Kerwick. O'Donovan no longer resides in Carbury Eva, nor the children of Collins possessors of splendid castles. The O'Ruarkes, alas! are fled from Brefny, nor dwell, O my sorrow, the M'Mahons in Thomond. Where now are the generous sons of O'Connor, or the race of O'Mahony, of Kinealeya. The children of O'Daly will be extirpated from Corkard, and the O'Murphys from the hospitable district of Felim. The O'Brennans shall be dispossessed of Corka Eclan, and the McBarnells from the borders of Leitrim. The genuine race of O'Kealy shall be banished from Conmaena, and O'Fallon from the district of Biada, the O'Coghlans from Delvny Ethra. The M'Wards and the race of Daheda shall experience a sad exile from their territories of Ulster. The Roches and Keeffes from the pleasant Fermoy, and the O'Lonergans evermore from Rehill. Never will O'Connor Kenaught return again, or the race of Macgennis, from the centre of Iveagh, or the irreproachable Connell, of Farmock, the Burkes, of Galway, stenuous to contend with their foes; nor McCarthy, O my sad grief, the princely chief of Munster. Sorrow's black mist envelopes the land of Erin, sadness dwells in each vale, and grief ascends her mountain summits. No more her generous and cheerful sons collect the welcome guests around; the joys of the feast and wine are forgot. Prostrate in ruins lie their shattered towns, and weak and dejected their guardian bands from the town of Atheliath to the western Beara. Each widowed matron wails the sad fall of her spouse, the youthful virgin pours forth incessant tears, while sighs and deep groans rend the bosoms of the weak and aged. Erin's cruel thraldom is wrought by a foreign foe, and the princely race of Heba fly o'er the Shannon for protection. Yet, oh! the grief were less though Heba's royal race should have failed.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
The Lament for John MacWalter Walsh with Notes on the History of the Family of Walsh from 1170 to 1690
Written by Joseph C. Walsh. Foreward by James J. Walsh, "Banished from their homelands by governmental authorities or driven by poverty and need, there are so many of us Walshs all over the world now who all too little about these ancestors of ours as they are so well written about here, and yet we are all proud of the name and the family."
This project has no association with this book but it is a good resource. The book has been available from Amazon. Amazon book location and description
![Walsh book Title page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/flpiv1trtejv64l/Walsh_book_Title.png?dl=0)
![Walsh book Content 1 page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ys1pt95adrwx08o/Walsh_book_Contents_1.png?dl=0)
![Walsh book Content 2 page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c4xq1ygla67tudu/Walsh_book_Contents_2.png?dl=0)
Poem - The Lament of John MacWalter Walsh
Book - The Lament of John MacWalter Walsh with Notes on the History of Walsh from 1170 to 1690
Overview and Commentary
The surname Walsh and its variants like Welch, Welsh, Walshe, etc. represent a group of paternal lineages that are primarily from Ireland. This makes sense as the most accepted surname origin explanation is that this surname was attached to people in Ireland who came from Wales. Hence they were Welsh men. As such, the surname was broadly applied so many people with the surname are not closely related, at least as far as their paternal lineages.
To be completed....
Project Y DNA Detail Reports
Y Colorized project chart - Detailed report of all Y STR values for every member in the projected sorted by project subgroup. This report has statistics for each STR for each subgroup. This is includes the mode (most common), the minimum and the maximum values. Genetic genealogists often use the modal value as a proxy for the ancestral value for a subclade. This is not always true, but it is oftentimes very helpful to look for an a pattern of unusual values within a clade or subclade. This is called an STR signature and if you can identify a group that you fit into with a shared STR signature that can help your SNP testing be more efficient as the signature may indicate an underlying SNP marked subclade.
Y DNA SNP project report - Detailed report of all actual SNP test results for every member in the project. This report is very useful if you can determine a valid STR signature from the reports mentioned above. If you have other project members that you have close Genetic Distances (on your myFTDNA Y matches webpage) or you have members that match your STR signature you can search through this SNP report and see if your matches have tested for certain SNPs and see what their results are.
Ancestor project Map - Shows you the distribution of various project subgroups. You select which subgroup you want to view. You can use this to get an idea of where certain subgroups might be from. Be cautious, though, a point of origin is not necessarily the point with a high frequency of a particular subgroups. Many researchers think higher STR diversity and the presence of brother subclades is more indicative of origins.
Other Sources of Information
Origins of the Walsh surname by Dennis Walsh
Folklore of the Walsh families in Ireland by Dennis Walsh
Crests of the Walsh families by Dennis Walsh
Locations of the Walsh Families in Ireland by Dennis Walsh
FTDNA Project Activity Feed
Facebook discussion group for the surnames Walsh, Walshe, Welch, Welsh and other variants
The Lament of John MacWalter Walsh (a poem)
Assemble round, O, dear children of my soul, ours is a sad tale of woe, and with sorrow shall be recounted; the harvest of death lies in sward, but no ripening sun shall perfect it. The wonted champion of your cause lies low, who pleaded your just rights in the legal court, the man of gentle manners who indulged you in excursions of pleasure, nor assigned to you the wench's drudging labours, nor yet the decent matron's household care, but calm and unruffled, in a life of easy affluence, your task was to braid your flowing hair, to form the famed locks, ornamented with silver and pearl. Ah me, he will forsake you ever more.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Whoever might again behold thee, as I one day have seen thee, in the pride of thy strength, and fair as the white blossom of spring; on thy front sat grace and each attraction of love, well adapted was thy tongue to the sweet powers of eloquence. Seven distinct languages did thy memory retain. In Irish thou didst far excel, and in the language of Britain; as thy mother tongue to thee flowed Greek and Latin; with ease thou didst comprehend the languages of Spain and Gaul, and thy perfection in Italian was unquestioned. Yet vain, alas! the use, and vain the pride of these splendid gifts, evermore are they vanished, and vanished with them art thou.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Graceful wouldst thou appear cased in a coat of mail, or beneath the ponderous helmet; ponderous not with brass or copper, but with gold, bright flaming amidst radiant silver, or with thine hat of beaver fur, and formed with Hispanian art, or with thy smoothly pliant boots, devoid of rift, and spurs of gold, with ornaments replete; or when thou would lay prostrate thy dread foes in greaves of silver armed, or in thy sinewy grasp when thou wouldst take thy golden hilted rapier of dreadful length, and formed with the nicest art. Ah, my sad sorrow, weak and nerveless is thy arm now, that arm which made thee victorious in every contest.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Lonely now is my state, and truly forlorn as one solitary fish left by the ebbing tide, or one lonely pale of a broken fence, or an only tree in a desert vale, whose vernal bloom hath faded, and whose branches are withered on high, or a sheep newly shorn of its sheltering wool. The children of my mother are no more, except Edmund and Mary. I say it, nor hesitate to affirm it, without reproach to those who remain, they had been the flower of the whole progeny. Ah, woe eternal this day, they exist not for me. Had they lived, I should hope the Walshs of the Mountain would not be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Small wonder it were that I should affect to dwell like the daw on the lofty tree, or like the eagle on the lofty summit of the tall mountains, or devoid of sober reason wander along each trackless way, or plunge with active bound into the whelming depth of ocean, since now I am bereft of the pride of my dear kindred. As tall oaks they grew, that spread wide their branches around, or a wide extended wood with all its stately boughs; but withered now at top is each remaining tree, or prostrate by the tempest from ocean, save a few tender saplings unprotected from the threatened storm, while the fierce foe hovers round. Ah, woe is me. My kindred are gone forever more.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where now is Philip, who came over the great depth of ocean, the strenuous chief who shrank not from the battle's rage, who slew the fierce Dane in the mighty conflict, the proud and haughty Gilbert from Berba's rugged coast, the son of a mighty chieftain whose fleets invaded the land of Erin, who slaughtered the race of Milesius, and spread his cruel bondage over the land, till Philip sunk in ocean the stern pride of the chief; but alas! long hath the swift hero slept in death; had he lived the sad event should not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is the dear relative of FitzStephen , whose compact and pleasant mansion rose in Castleheil, where the daughter of Raymonds o'er the ocean partook each joy and comfort. Long hath the great and good man been laid low, while the revengeful foe harass his devoted race. Had he lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is Giffin, renowned for deeds of prowess, the son-in-law of O'Donnell of Ballyshannon, the good and gentle man of conciliating manners, the chief who copiously dealt around his wines, whose vast flocks were tended by a hundred herdsmen, and who parcelled out districts and whole regions to his relatives. Had he lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is the youthful Walter of deeds benign, whose castle beside the mountain rose in stately pride, with whom the sacred Nuncio was once an honored guest; nor deemed he the mansion to be the abode of mortal race, such rare domestic order appeared around. The beer flowed from the capacious vat, and the labouring pump poured forth its gushing waters while alternately each hand cast forth the golden dice. His fame widespread around the land of Erin, widely it extended over the distant regions of the earth. Not louder the sounding echo of the mountain summit than the gushing of his wines to regale the sons of Erin. Each imagined he enjoyed an immortal banquet, so profusely they quaffed exquisite wines; but ah, my sad grief, he hath forsaken us evermore.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where is Robert? where is James? or the good and gentle Walter of Currohill? or the Knight, swift, valiant and mighty, who overthrew in the conflict his foreign foes? Sadly hath each succession of these passed away; they are past, and Edmund, O my grief, is no more; had they lived the sad event could not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Where are thou O Philip? thou rightful heir of Knockmoylan; the heir wert thou of the sportful hounds; oft hath thy course been through the wood of Minawn, and oft didst thou urge urge hounds to chase through the wood of Cunawn, and oft was thine excursion of pleasure to the banks of Lingawn -- ah, my sad grief and woeful affliction, the roebuck will frequent the banks of Lingawn, peaceful will he graze the flowery plain, no heir on his swift steed will mar his repose. They alas! are lowly laid in death; beneath a monumental weight they rest, and hopeless their return from Kilbeacon; had they lived the sad event should not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Whither art thou fled O Chief of the people? Farewell to thee O Sarsfield, thy forces are disbanded, and thou art gone to the kingdom of France, thy sad tale thou dost relate to the princess -- that thou hast left Erin in affliction, and her children overwhelmed with woe; couldst thou return again with life, the sad event would ne'er have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Vainly do I now recount my dear relatives, they are wide dispersed and their progeny a wandering race, the Burkes from the borders of Suir to Bawnrock, the posterity of the Earl from the western Awly, the race of Carroll and O'Connor Faley, and the descendants of the Earl O'Brien of Blarney, the youthful John of Clogher, famed for his unrivalled steeds, Edmond, son of Peter, of Slievarda, the Butlers, esteemed by their foes of prowess, the posterity of Power beneficent and mighty, the great Cantwell famed for his splendid mansion; ah, my sad misfortune, they lie beneath the monumental marble; had they lived the sad event would not have been.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
No word I should have to wail my dear relations; the nobles of Erin are wide dispersed around, the Chiefs of generous soul have forsaken us since the cruel visitation of Cromwell, and that monarch stern and ungentle to the race of Erin. The Earl of Tyrone and his relatives dwell in Ulster's princely dome, but overwhelmed with grief and sorrow. Tyrconnell laments with unceasing plaint the fate of O'Donnell -- O'Donnell of the sharp and weighty sword.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
Corkalee wails without respite her chieftains slain in the fierce conflict, O'Driscoll, O'Flinn, O'Leary, O'Hay, O'Deady, and the race of Kerwick. O'Donovan no longer resides in Carbury Eva, nor the children of Collins possessors of splendid castles. The O'Ruarkes, alas! are fled from Brefny, nor dwell, O my sorrow, the M'Mahons in Thomond. Where now are the generous sons of O'Connor, or the race of O'Mahony, of Kinealeya. The children of O'Daly will be extirpated from Corkard, and the O'Murphys from the hospitable district of Felim. The O'Brennans shall be dispossessed of Corka Eclan, and the McBarnells from the borders of Leitrim. The genuine race of O'Kealy shall be banished from Conmaena, and O'Fallon from the district of Biada, the O'Coghlans from Delvny Ethra. The M'Wards and the race of Daheda shall experience a sad exile from their territories of Ulster. The Roches and Keeffes from the pleasant Fermoy, and the O'Lonergans evermore from Rehill. Never will O'Connor Kenaught return again, or the race of Macgennis, from the centre of Iveagh, or the irreproachable Connell, of Farmock, the Burkes, of Galway, stenuous to contend with their foes; nor McCarthy, O my sad grief, the princely chief of Munster. Sorrow's black mist envelopes the land of Erin, sadness dwells in each vale, and grief ascends her mountain summits. No more her generous and cheerful sons collect the welcome guests around; the joys of the feast and wine are forgot. Prostrate in ruins lie their shattered towns, and weak and dejected their guardian bands from the town of Atheliath to the western Beara. Each widowed matron wails the sad fall of her spouse, the youthful virgin pours forth incessant tears, while sighs and deep groans rend the bosoms of the weak and aged. Erin's cruel thraldom is wrought by a foreign foe, and the princely race of Heba fly o'er the Shannon for protection. Yet, oh! the grief were less though Heba's royal race should have failed.
The Walshs of the Mountain shall be wide dispersed and their power dissolved away.
The Lament for John MacWalter Walsh with Notes on the History of the Family of Walsh from 1170 to 1690
Written by Joseph C. Walsh. Foreward by James J. Walsh, "Banished from their homelands by governmental authorities or driven by poverty and need, there are so many of us Walshs all over the world now who all too little about these ancestors of ours as they are so well written about here, and yet we are all proud of the name and the family."
This project has no association with this book but it is a good resource. The book has been available from Amazon. Amazon book location and description
![Walsh book Title page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/flpiv1trtejv64l/Walsh_book_Title.png?dl=0)
![Walsh book Content 1 page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ys1pt95adrwx08o/Walsh_book_Contents_1.png?dl=0)
![Walsh book Content 2 page](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/c4xq1ygla67tudu/Walsh_book_Contents_2.png?dl=0)