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FTDNA Winn Surname Project
  • 480 members

About us

Winn Surname Project welcomes members with all Winn surname spellings: Winn, Wind, Wine, Winne, Winer, Winner, Winnie, Winning, Wyn, Wynd, Wynde, Wyne, Wynn, Wynne, Wynns, Gwynn, Gwynn, Gwynne, Gwin, Gwinn, Guin, Guinn, Guynn, Guynes, Goin, Goins, Goines, Gowen, and other spelling variations, for Y-DNA, mtDNA, and Family Finder DNA testing. We do not limit participants. We accept members who join on Y-DNA, mtDNA, or autosomal DNA tests.

Winn, Wynn, and Wynne are common spelling variations of the Welsh-origin surname, Wynn. The Wynn spelling emerged as a surname in northern Wales and Shropshire during the 1500s, with a few earlier instances of use. Another variant, Gwynn, is generally more common to Ireland and southern Wales. Gwynn spelling variations include Guin, Guinn, Gwin, Gwinn, and Gwynne. Other spellings commonly found in England, Scotland, and Ireland include Winn, Wind, and Winnie. Spellings are not always indicative of origin. Surname spellings may change through many generations of usage, with different branches of a family adopting various spellings of the original surname. Winn, Wynn, Wynne, and other spelling variations are most commonly found in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, United States of America, Canada, and Australia. 

We ask every member of Winn Surname Project to please upload a family tree to your individual FTDNA member page. This will enable the project administrator to place you in a known or predicted lineage group, according to your particular Winn/Wynn ancestry. Your uploaded family tree will help expedite this process.

Information about Winn/Wynn Groups in this project may be found in the "News" link on this website. Please contact Group Administrator, Stephanie Miller, for additional information at
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