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FTDNA Winn Surname Project
  • 480 members

About us

FTDNA Winn Surname Project goals:

- Identify Winn surname groups, all spellings, around the globe  
- Determine lineage groupings for relatedness
- Identify geographic and chronological points of origin for the surnames
- Explore surnames variations
- Combine information within groupings to help genealogy research
- Discover clues to find the ancestral location

We are seeking persons with Winn/Wynn/Wynne (all spellings) surname from England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Canada, the United States, and other countries around the globe to join FTDNA Winn Surname Project.

Winn Surname Project is a growing DNA project. Our members have a variety of research areas. We continue to work towards better defining the results and comparing them to member-submitted family trees. Submitting a gedcom is an important part of the process. We ask all members to login to their individual member page, then use the "myFamilyTree" tool at the bottom of your member page to either create or upload a gedcom to your member profile. To create a gedcom, enter one generation at a time beginning with name, birth and death dates, county and state, for each of your parents; and then add grandparents, great grandparents, and as many generations as you are able to document using birth & death certificates, wills, deeds, census records, bible records, etc. Please include all of your known Winn/Wynn generations. 

We encourage all Y-DNA tested members to upgrade their current Y-DNA test to Big Y 700. The Big Y 700 was developed by FTDNA as their gold standard Y-DNA test for surname projects. This test delivers advanced Y-DNA results, including confirmed terminal haplogroup. 

Members who have questions may contact Project Administrator, Stephanie Miller, at

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