
Yeomans/Yeamans Y-DNA Surname Project
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 Introduction: According to well-documented sources, Christopher Youmans, b. ca. 1638 in England, immigrated to America in 1656, settling on Long Island NY, near Madnan's Neck. He m. Hannah (-----). Based on an inheritance from his brother William Yeamans. England is identified as his homeland. Based on his brother's will, the surname was originally "Yeamans". The most likely reason for the spelling change is that Christopher resided in a Dutch County and this is how the Dutch spell the English name Yeamans or Yeomans. Known Children of Christopher Youmans (Yeamans): Moses, Christopher, Solomon, Hannah, Thomas, Sarah, Mary and William. Christopher moved to Rye, Westchester Co., NY in ca. 1720.

Christopher’s descendants prospered, and continued to move up the Hudson between NY and Conn. Stories of the Youmans/Yeomans families in Dutchess County, Albany County, and many other NY counties are numerous. They participated in all the major wars, settled the land, and were some of the early pioneers moving ever westward.

Some notables include Edward Livingston Youmans, scientist, born in Coeymans, New York, 3 June, 1821; died in New York city, 18 January, 1887, and the Composer Vincent Millie Youmans, who was born in New York City on September 27, 1898. Another notable link to the Yeamans family is Sir John Yeamans born about 1605 in Bristol, England, died about 1676 in Barbados (West Indies). He was the Governor of the British Province of Carolina. He is descended from a famous family line of Yeamans or Yeomans of Bristol, England. Sir Robert Yeamans (a brother or cousin) was a High Sheriff and Mayor of Bristol.

Grant Samuel Youmans wrote and researched the Youmans/Yeomans/Yeamans families extensively from the 1920s until his death in the early 1960s. He claimed that he had material linking all the early (1650-1675) Youmans pioneering families that settled in Virginia, Barbados, Massachusetts, and New York to each other and back to England to a common ancestor. Unfortunately, he died before he was able to complete his next book, and his extensive research materials, once held by the National Genealogy Society, have been lost or are being held in the hands of a private individual.

For this and many other reasons, Y-DNA research may hold the greatest promise for proving what Grant Samuel Youmans spent a good bit of time and a small fortune attempting to prove.
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Several additional sources have been added as of October 29, 2019 to supplement the main source of the Christopher Yeamans/Youmans Genealogy, which is: Greener, J. H. Yeomans- Youmans Family Brooklyn, N.Y. , 1927 source.  These new sources are: 
  1. Biography of Orion Lavelle Yoemans Transcribed from the Original Book Source
  2. The Sons of the American Revolution Applications for Orion Lavelle Yeomans and his son George Stanley Yeomans
  3. John Fisk's genealogy of Edward Livingston YOUMANS in his book, Interpreter of Science for the People, John Fiske, NY.  D. Appleton and Company 1894, Appendix A,p.p. 584-589


Biography of Orion Lavelle Yoemans Transcribed from the Original Book Source


Source: History of The Oranges to 1921, Reviewing the Rise,Development and Progress of an Influential Community, by David Lawrence Pierson,The Author, Volume IV Illustrated, published in 1922, New York, Lewis Historical Publishing Co., Biography of Orion Lavelle Yeomans, pp. 89-91—online book

 “Yeomans signifying ‘a landed freeholder of the order of Gentry’ is a name found in the Domesday Book, and down through the centuries the English records contain the names of many of the family. In those records the name is usually spelled Yeamans, or Yeomans, and in early New England and New York records Yeomans isthe name generally used, although there are other forms found.  The American line begins with Christopher Yeomans, of whom there is a record as selling, in North Hempstead, Long Island,in 1658, fifty acres to Will Smith.  He lived on Long Island until about 1720, when he moved to ‘The White Plains’ in the old town of Rye New York.  By wife Hannah he had sons Solomon and William.  In this descent is traced through the oldest son Solomon.


(II)  Solomon Yeomans was born at Madnan’s Neck,Hempstead, Long Island, about 1670. About 1720 he moved with his aged father and family to White Plains NewYork.  He married and by wife Susannah had five children, all born at Madnan’s Neck Long Island. Decent in this branch is through the eldest son, Samuel.


(III) Samuel Yeomans was born in 1700, and lived to the great age of ninety-seven, dying in Coeymans,Albany County, New York.  He was a wheelwright by trade, and about 1720 moved to Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York.  He had three sons, John, Anthony,and Samuel, this branch descending from Anthony, the second son.


(IV) Anthony Yoemans was born in 1728, married and settled in Albany County, New York, and had six sons: Moses, William, Levi, Samuel, After, and Anthony.  In this line descent is traced throughSamuel, the forth son.


(V) Samuel Yeomans was born in Albany County, New York, August 10, 1756, died New Baltimore,October 28, 1836.  He was a solider of the Revolution, serving in the 2nd Regiment, Orange County Militia, under Colonel Hay.  He taught school and cultivated a farm.  He married Elizabeth Steenback,who died in New Baltimore, November 4, 1843 and both were buried at Grapeville,in Greene County, New York.  They were the parents of ten children, six of them sons. The next in line in this branch is Samuel S., the eighth child and fourth son. 


(VI) Samuel S.Yeomans was born at New Baltimore, New York, February 1, 1799, died at Acra,Greene County, New York, September 21, 1877. He was a farmer. He married, February 21, 1826, Rebecca Collins, born Greenville, New York, July 16, 1804, died at Acra, New York, May 19, 1880,daughter of Edward and Mary (Davey) Collins. They were both buried at Acra. Reuben Palmer Yeomans, the second of their seven children, is head of the next generation.


(VII) Reuben Palmer Yeomans was born at New Baltimore, Greene County, New York, August 9, 1829, andin 1911 was living in West Orange, New Jersey. Mr. Yeomans was a carpenter during his active years, and during the  Civil War served three years with Company B, 5th Regiment, New York Heavy Artillery.  He married, March 19, 1857,Augusta Dederick, born in Durham, Greene County, June 14, 1838, daughter of Henry and Amy (Barlow) Dederick.  They were the parents of two sons: Orion Lavelle, of further mention, and George Henry, born June 12, 1862, died November 27, 1894. He married, October 31,1886, Amelia Verrine, and left two children; Eva may, who married Charles Carhart and Arthur G. Yeomans.

(VIII) Orion Lavelle Yeomans was born at Acra, Greene County, New York, June 7, 1859.  He was educated in the public schools of Orange, New Jersey, and for twenty-five years prior to January 1, 1918, was superintendent for E.V. Connett & Company, of Orange Valley, New Jersey, hat manufacturers.  Mr. Yeomans retired from that position January 1, 1918, and has since devoted himself to his important duties with other institutions of the city. He is a director of the Trust Company of Orange; director of the Orange Valley Bank; president of the Llewellyn Building and Loan Building Association;secretary of the Orange Building and Loan Association; treasurer of the Sinking Fund Commission of West Orange; custodian of the school funds of West Orange;treasurer of the town ow West Orange; member of the pas master of Union Lodge No.11, Free and Accepted Masons; Member of the Sons of the American Revolution,and Highland Avenue Congregational Church, his family members of St. Mark’s Protestant Episcopal Church.

            Mr. Yeomans married, at Orange, New Jersey,April 3, 1883, Eva Canham, born in New York City, daughter of James L. and Agnes (Delahunt) Canham.  Mr. and Mrs. Yeomans are the parents of three children: George Stanley, born January 25, 1884; Mabel Augusta, born March 14,1887; Ethel Agnes, born September 3, 1888.”

Source: Copied from Ancestry.Com: Application of Membership, The Board of Managers of The New Jersey Society of The Sons of the American Revolution, Applicants:

  • Orion Lavelle Yeomans, dated October 5, 1910
  • George Stanley Yeomans, dated November 23, 1914: Ancestor Pvt. Samuel Youmans—applicant gives his lineage as Samuel Youmans1 (b. 1700 d. 1797), Anthony 2 (b. 1727), Samuel3 (b. 1758 d. 1836), Samuel Yeomans42nd (b. 1799 d. 1877), Reuben P.5 (b. 1839 Living in 1914), Orion Lavelle6 (b. 1861 Living in 1914), George Stanley (b. 1884 Living 1914)


Source: Copeid from the SAR on-line records:

  • Yeomans, Orion Lavelle, National # 22314 State #889, date joined 10/3/1910
  • Yeomans, George Stanley National# 26861State# 1261, date joined 11/23/1914


Source: EdwardLivingston YOUMANS, Interpreter of Science for the People, John Fiske, NY.  D. Appleton and Company 1894, Appendix A,p.p. 584-589

John Fiske states that Samuel YOUMANS, the great-great-great-grandfather of Edward Livingston YOUMANS, was of English descent and moved to Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, in Dutchess Co., and lived there with his two sons, John and Anthony, until he was very old.  They then moved to the ‘Hudson below Albany”about 1770-1775 when cheap “lease land” was opened up to them in Coeymans.  This land was mostly owned by Dutch landlords, who dealt with each settler independently.  John YOUMANS is reported to have taken up two hundred acres of heavily timbered land for which “he agreed to pay whatin the end proved a ruinous rent; but five years were given free of rent for clearing the land and getting ready for cropping”.  Fiske goes on to say that Jeremiah, the second son of John YOUMANS, married Margaret VINCENT, the fifth child of Levi VINCENT[2].  This is thought to be good evidence of a paternal relationship with our William and that of the Samuel YOUMANS’ family because William named his second son Stephen Vincent.  According to Greener, Solomon and his wife Susannah had seven children; one of whom was Samuel[3] b.abt. 1700, Long Island.  Samuel lived tobe 97 yrs. old and at the time of his death, he lived with his two sons and grandson at Coeymans, Albany Co., NY.  Hehad three sons, one of whom was Anthony, who was b. 1727 prob. in Fishkill,Dutchess Co., NY.

[1] EdwardLivingston YOUMANS, Interpreter of Science for the People, John Fiske, NY.  D. Appleton and Company 1894, Appendix A,p.p. 584-589

[2] LeviVINCENT was the second son of Leonard VINCENT, who married a Dutch girl at White Plains, Westchester Co.   He hadfour sons—John, Levi, Leonard, and Samuel. Levi married into a family of Dutchess County Quakers named (----) HOXIE.  Fiske reports that Levi lived for several years after his marriage in Dutchess Co.; and then,migrated from there to Coeymans at nearly the same time as the Youmanses.    

[3]Greener says: “Much of the information as to him [Samuel] and his Descendants is from the “Life of Edward Livingston,” by John Fiske, and from information furnished by Orion Lavelle YEOMANS, Esq., of #57 Northfield Ave, West Orange, N. J. 


Source: Greener, J. H. Yeomans- Youmans Family Brooklyn, N.Y. , 1927. The micro film, which was purchased by Michael Stephen Yoemans, was part of a larger manuscript that was never published. Tom Yoemans transcribed the material and loaded it into a genealogy tree systems which was converted into the rich text file below.

Christopher Yeamans (Youmans/Yeomans)

First Generation

1. Christopher1 YEAMANS was born in England circa 1638. His body was interred in Rye, Westchester, New York.
He married Hannah (YEAMANS). Hannah Yeamans is deceased. .
Greener states "Christopher Yeomans was evidently born in England (probably in Essex or Middlesex) before 1638 for there is a record in 1659 that he had sold land in Hempstead, L.I. It is not known whether he cam direct to Long Island from England or whether, like many others, he landed in Connecticut and then crossed the Sound to Queens County, Long Island (then known as 'Nassau Island').
"Hempstead, L.I. was purchased from the Indians in 1643 by John Carman and Rev. Robert Fordham, acting for their associates at Stamford, Conn. On Nov. 16, 1644 they procured a patent from William Kieft, the Dutch Governor of the New Netherlands. The first settlement was made in 1644 by between thirty and forty English families from Stamford and Wethersfield, Conn. They were joined by other English settlers from the inland including Capt. John Seaman who had secured title to a tract comprising more than twelve thousand acres, which in 1685, under the Dongan patent became part of the town of Hempstead.
"All the surrounding towns had been settled by the Dutch, but the English settlement at Hempstead was allowed considerable liberty in management of its own affairs.
"In 1647 the first recorded division of lands was made among the sixty-two freeholders.
"The minutes of the towns of Hempstead and North Hempstead since the year 1654 are preserved and they were printed in 1896 by order of the Town Board of North Hempstead, L.I. In those records we find the following references to Christopher Yeomans: Vol. 1, p. 117 - On Oct. 19, 1659 there is a record of the sale of fifty acres of land by Christopher Yeomans to Will Smith. Vol. 1, p. 154 - On March 22, 1664 an agreement was made between the townsmen and Christopher Yeomans for the keeping of the "East herd" of cattle for the ensueing year. Vol. 1, p. 201 - On June 18, 1666 a similar agreement was made with Abraham Smith on the same terms as with Christopher Yeomans. Vol. 1, p. 221 - On Dec. 6, 1669 there is a deed from 'William Theckston' to 'Christoffer Yemans' of a lot of land on Maddan's Neck, 'being number 43 as laid out at first'. Vol. 1, p. 241 - On the same date (Dec. 6, 1669) there is recorded a deed from 'Heneri Desboro' to 'Christofer Yemans' of one-fourth of a lot of land at Madnan's Neck 'which was laid out to Mr. Seaman at the first' numbered 42 and containing 170 acres, and adjoining the lot of 'Christofer Yemans'. Vol. 1, p. 239 - There is a recod of a deed dated Oct. 16, 1559 from 'Hereri Desberow' to 'Cornelius Mot' of 20 acres of land with a new dwelling house and tobacco house thereon, adjoining the land sold to 'Christopher Yomans'. Vol. 1, p. 323 - At a town meeting held, April 1, 1679 'The Cow Meadow at near Rockaway' was leased to 'Chrisofir Yemans'. Vol. 1, p. 369 - There is a note that on May 8, 1665 'Chisty for Yomans beegeun too Coepe Cooues'. Vol. 1, p. 375 - Deed from Joseph Sutton to 'Christofir Yemans' a lot of land on Madnan's Neck containing 15 acres begin part of number 44. Vol. 1, p. 460 - 'Christopher Yeamans' is mentioned in the will of Rogger Pedly. Vol. 1, p. 479 - On Oct. 6, 1681 the name of 'Christopher Yeamans' appears on a petition for a piece of Commons.
"In the 'Annals of Hempstead' by Onderdonk, page 26, there is a record that on April 5, 1671, Christopher Yeomans brought suit against John Curtis; on page 30 there is mentioned a suit which he brought against Michael Clark on Feb. 2, 1676; on page 34 there are records of two suits, one brought against him by Elias Bailey on July 5, 1682 and the other on action, on the same date, of Ardway vs. Mott, in which the witnesses where Christopher Yeomans and Hannah, his wife; at page 54 there is a reference to a petition from him and other settlers at Madnan's Neck for the holding of religious services in that place - this was in January 1687; at page 56 there is given an assessment list dated Oct. 11, 1683 in which he was taxed on 15 acres of land, 2 oxen, 5 cows, 5 hogs and 2 horses.
"In 'Queens County in Olden Times' by the same author at page 10 there is given a record, copied from Vol. 20 of the Assizes, of a trial of Nathaniel Pearsall, Clerk of the town of Hempstead and Thomas Rushmore for riot trespass etc: the trial was held on Oct. 3, 1676 and the following is an extract from the testimony: -
'Christopher Yeomans being sworn says he was stripping off some tobacco in his house at Great Neck and heard men and Lieut. Mott come up, he asked him if he would go with him and borrowed his canoe. So they got in and rowed over to Cow Neck where he saw Richard Cornell and near twenty Hempstead men among whom was the prisioner at the bar, Thomas Rushmore who (Mr. Cornell saith) was the first who laid hold of and struck at the building which they quietly pulled down. Mr. Cornell first spoke to Yeomans, but he replied, 'I am none of them', Then Cornell said, 'Bear witness what ye see done.'
"In Thompson's 'History of Long Island' (Vol. II, page 18) there is printed an assessment list of the Town of Hempstead in the year 1685 from which it appears that 'Chistopher Yeumans' was one of the 160 taxable persons in the town, and that he was taxed on 150 acres of property.
"In the office of the Clerk of Queens Co. N.Y. there is a quaint instrument on file in Liber C, Folio 230. It's wording suggests either a deed or a will. It is dated April 7, 1711, executed Jan. 23, 1717-8. It grants to his son Solomon one-half of the land upon which he lives at Madnan's Neck, with his dwelling house and half of the orchard which Solomon is to have after his decease. He evidently divided his property equally between his two sons Solomon and William."
"Christopher Yeomans, his children and some of his grandchildren left Hempstead about 1719; as will be seen later they evidently sold all their lands there before that date.
"At some time before 1720 they crossed Long Island Sound and settled in 'The White Plains' in the old town of Rye, N.Y. (White Plains did not become a separate town until 1788).
"In Scharf's 'History of Westchester County' (Vol. 1, page 720, and Vol. II, page 661) there is printed a map of 'The White Plains' in Rye, N.Y., made in 1721, showing the sixteen houses comprising the settlement, one of which was the home of CHRISTOPHER YEOMANS (See also 'Baird's Rye' page 499). The situation of the house is thus described by Schard (Vol. 1, page 722) - 'On the north side of the road crossing the Bronx River, near Mr. Champanois' residience, was the home of CHRISTOPHER YEOMANS.' Christopher at that time must have been over eighty-five years of age."
Grant S. Youmans wrote: "Christopher Yeamans, Immigrant, was born about 1638, in England.
"When about twenty years of age, Christopher Yeamans emigrated from abroad. He lived for a time in New Haven, Conn. He was employed there by Sergeant Jefferies, before and after 10 Nov. 1656.
"This record, therefore, shows that Christopher first lived, as stated, in New England before crossing the Sound to Queens County, Long Island, then known as Nassau Island, New York State, where he established a permanent residence in the State of New York.
"Having been made a beneficiary under the terms of his brother's English will, and the fact that his brother, William Yeamans, had been living in England at the time of William's death, indicates England strongly as the former boyhood residence of Christopher Yeamans. Extract of the will is shown:
'William Yeamans of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex, yeoman, 24 Feb. 1656; proved 7 May 1687. I give and bequeath to my brother, Christopher Yeamans of Madnan's Neck in Queens County on Long Island, in the Province of New York in America, yeoman, the sum of five shillings. And whereas there is the some of one hundread and twelve pounds, fifteen shillings and six pence, silver money of New York aforesaid, due and owing unto me from my said brother, upon bond, as also the sum of three pounds, with the increase thereof, for goods lately sent to him, I do hereby order and appoint that if he my said brother, his executors or assigns, do and shall pay unto my executrix, the said sum of one hundred and twelve pounds, fifteen shillings and six pence, and do also account unter for the said sum of three pounds &c., then I do give and bequeath unto my said brother, twenty pounds like silver money of New York, to be equally divided between such of my said brother's children as shall then be living.
'I give and bequeath unto my sister, Anne Bakewell, widow, twelve pence; until William Gooden ten shillings to buy him a ring. All the rest of my goods &c., to my wife Elizabeth Yeamans, who I appoint sole executrix. Signed: William Yeamans Witnesses: Robert Crispe, Ric. dibbon, Sir John Turner.'
"The following brief extract may be a clew to the family and former home in England of Christopher Yeamans: The will of Thomas Crane, Gentleman of Kelvedon, Essex, dated 11 Nov. 1653, proved 6 Mar. 1654, mentioned 'certain messuages in Colchester which I purchased of Christopher Yeoman and John Yeoman, his son."

Christopher YEAMANS and Hannah (YEAMANS) had the following children:

2 i. Moses2 YEAMANS. Moses is deceased.
3 ii. Chistopher YEAMANS. Chistopher is deceased.
4 iii. Thomas YEAMANS. Thomas is deceased.
5 iv. Sarah YEAMANS. Sarah is deceased.
6 v. Mary YEAMANS. Mary is deceased.
+ 7 vi. Solomon YEOMANS was born circa 1670 and is deceased.
+ 8 vii. William YEOMANS was born circa 1680 and died after 1758.
9 viii. Hannah YEAMANS was born circa 1685. Hannah is deceased. Hannah applied for a marriage license to wed Walter HARRIS January 20, 1716/1717 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York.

Second Generation

7. Solomon2 YEOMANS (Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Madnan's Neck, Hempstead, Long Island, New York circa 1670. Solomon is deceased.
He married Susannah (YEOMANS). Susanna Yeomans is deceased.

Solomon YEOMANS and Susannah (YEOMANS) had the following children:

+ 10 i. Samuel3 YEOMANS was born circa 1700 and died 1797.
+ 11 ii. Eleazer YEOMANS was born circa 1702 and is deceased.
12 iii. Mary YEOMANS was born in Madnan's Neck, Hempstead, Long Island, New York ca 1705. She married Thomas SMITH April 11, 1727 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Thomas is deceased.
+ 13 iv. Solomon YEOMANS was born circa 1707 and died after 1759.
+ 14 v. Nathaniel YEOMANS was born circa 1710 and is deceased.

8. William2 YEOMANS (Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born circa 1680. William died after 1758.
He married Elizabeth (YEOMANS). Elizabeth Yeomans is deceased.

William YEOMANS and Elizabeth (YEOMANS) had the following children:

15 i. Robert3 YEOMANS was born approx. 1702. Robert is deceased.
16 ii. John YEOMANS was born approx 1704. John is deceased.
+ 17 iii. Jacob YEOMANS was born approx. 1705 and is deceased.
18 iv. Elizabeth YEOMANS was born approx. 1714. Elizabeth is deceased. She married John SPROCK May 22, 1734 in Hempstead, Long Island, New York. John is deceased.
19 v. Absalom YEOMANS was born approx. 1716. Absalom is deceased.
20 vi. William YEOMANS was born approx. 1718. William died about 1761.

Third Generation

10. Samuel3 YEOMANS (Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Long Island, New York circa 1700. Samuel died 1797 in Coeymans, Albany County, New York, at 97 years of age.
He married (-------). She is deceased.

Samuel YEOMANS and (-------) had the following children:

+ 21 i. John4 YOUMANS was born circa 1725 and died about 1800.
+ 22 ii. Anthony YEOMANS was born circa 1727 and is deceased.
+ 23 iii. Samuel YOUMANS was born circa 1729 and is deceased.

11. Eleazer3 YEOMANS (Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Long Island, New York circa 1702. Eleazer is deceased.
He married Mary HUNT. Mary was the daughter of Moses HUNT and (---------). Mary is deceased.

Eleazer YEOMANS and Mary HUNT had the following children:

24 i. Arthur4 YEOMANS was born in White Plains, NY circa 1725. Arthur is deceased. He married Sarah OAKLEY.
25 ii. Eleazer YEOMANS was born circa 1727. Eleazer is deceased.
+ 26 iii. Francis YEOMANS was born about 1730 and is deceased.
27 iv. Abraham YEOMANS was born in Westchester County, New York circa 1731. Abraham is deceased.
28 v. Oliver YEOMANS was born ca 1735. Oliver is deceased.
+ 29 vi. Gilbert YEOMANS was born in 1743 and is deceased.
30 vii. Moses YEOMANS was born circa 1745. Moses is deceased.

13. Solomon3 YEOMANS (Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Long Island, New York circa 1707. Solomon died after 1759 in Orange County, New York.
He married (---------). She is deceased.

Solomon YEOMANS and (---------) had the following children:

31 i. (A daughter)4 YEOMANS. (A is deceased. She married Jacobus BLAUVELT. Jacobus is deceased.
+ 32 ii. Samuel YEOMANS was born about 1735 and is deceased.
33 iii. Solomon YEOMANS was born circa 1736. Solomon is deceased. He was baptized March 12, 1737/1738.
+ 34 iv. Jeremiah YEOMANS was born 1738 and is deceased.
+ 35 v. Jonathan YEOMANS was born 1739 and died about 1785.
+ 36 vi. Benjamin YEOMANS was born circa 1741 and is deceased.
37 vii. Ezekiel YEOMANS was born in Orange County, New York circa 1743. Ezekiel is deceased.

14. Nathaniel3 YEOMANS (Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born circa 1710. Nathaniel is deceased.
He married Mary (YEOMANS). Mary Yeomans is deceased.
Nathaniel's will was probated 1761 in Dutchess County, New York.

Nathaniel YEOMANS and Mary (YEOMANS) had the following children:

+ 38 i. Eliab4 YEOMANS was born October 1735 and died May 24, 1826.
39 ii. Ruth YEOMANS was born ca 1737. She married Samuel MABBET February 22, 1756 in New York City, New York.
40 iii. Sarah YEOMANS was born ca 1739.
41 iv. Mary YEOMANS was born after 1742.

17. Jacob3 YEOMANS (William2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Westchester, NY approx. 1705.
Note: Greener lists Jacob's birth as about 1720 in one place and between 1720 and 1725 in another. I would estimate the date of birth as about 1705 based on the succeding generations in Greener.
He married and settled in Dutchess County, New York.

Jacob YEOMANS had the following children:

+ 42 i. Johannis (or John)4 YEOMANS was born between 1720 and 1730 and died about 1804.
43 ii. William YEOMANS was born in Westchester County, New York between 1721 and 1730. William died in 1790 at 69 years of age. He married Marguerit (YEOMANS). He settled in Dutchess County, New York. His will dated July 7, 1790 and proved Sept. 16, 1790 is filed in the office of the Surrogate of Dutchess County. He described himself as of Fredericktown.

Fourth Generation

21. John4 YOUMANS (Samuel3 YEOMANS, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Fishkill, NY circa 1725. John died about 1800 in Coeymans, Albany County, New York.
He married (------). She is deceased.

John YOUMANS and (------) had the following child:

+ 44 i. Jeremiah5 YOUMANS was born circa 1768 and is deceased.

22. Anthony4 YEOMANS (Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born probably in Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York circa 1727. Anthony is deceased.
He married (--------). She is deceased.

Anthony YEOMANS and (--------) had the following children:

+ 45 i. Moses5 YEOMANS was born circa 1749 or 1745 and died between 1811 and 1816.
+ 46 ii. William YEOMANS was born circa 1750 and is deceased.
47 iii. Levi YOUMANS was born in Albany County, New York circa 1753. Levi is deceased. He settled later in Saratoga County.
+ 48 iv. Samuel YEOMANS was born August 10, 1756 and died October 28, 1836.
+ 49 v. After YOUMANS was born circa 1765 and is deceased.
+ 50 vi. Anthony YOUMANS was born August 10, 1769 and is deceased.
51 vii. Affa YEOMANS was born circa 1771. Affa is deceased. She married Joseph PURDY. Joseph is deceased.
52 viii. Sarah YEOMANS was born circa 1773. Sarah is deceased. She married Ezekiel GIDNEY. Ezekiel is deceased.

23. Samuel4 YOUMANS (Samuel3 YEOMANS, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Fishkill, NY circa 1729. Samuel is deceased.

Samuel YOUMANS had the following children:

53 i. Ira5 YOUMANS.
54 ii. Benjamin YOUMANS.
+ 55 iii. Isaac YOUMANS was born December 25, 1751 and died May 11, 1833.

26. Francis4 YEOMANS (Eleazer3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Westchester County, New York about 1730. Francis is deceased.
He married Margaret (-----).

Francis YEOMANS and Margaret (-----) had the following children:

56 i. James5 YEOMANS.
57 ii. William YEOMANS.
58 iii. Mary YEOMANS was born September 27, 1753.
59 iv. David YEOMANS was born October 16, 1756.
+ 60 v. Francis YEOMANS was born about 1758.

29. Gilbert4 YEOMANS (Eleazer3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Westchester County, New York in 1743. Gilbert is deceased.

Gilbert YEOMANS had the following children:

61 i. John5 YEOMANS was born about 1770 or 1765.
62 ii. Gilbert YEOMANS was born about 1775 or 1770. He married Jane MCLEAN September 21, 1804 in New York City, New York.
63 iii. Nathaniel YEOMANS was born about 1778 or 1772. Nathaniel died about 1817 in New York City, New York.

32. Samuel4 YEOMANS (Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Orange County, New York about 1735. Samuel is deceased.

Samuel YEOMANS had the following children:

+ 64 i. Samuel5 YOUMANS was born about 1758 and died about 1827.
65 ii. Isaac YEOMANS was born in Orange County, New York about 1760 or 1758. Isaac died 1833 at 73 years of age. He removed to Orange, N.J. and later to Newark, N.J. H served in the Essex County Regiment in the Revolution.
+ 66 iii. Richard YEOMANS was born about 1768 and died before 1860.
67 iv. John YEOMANS was born in Orange County, New York about 1770 or 1765. He removed with his brothers to New Jersey and enlisted from Orange, N.J. in the War of 1812. He lived in later years in Newark, N.J.

34. Jeremiah4 YEOMANS (Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Haverstraw, NY 1738. Jeremiah is deceased.
He married Hannah WHITMAN.

Jeremiah YEOMANS and Hannah WHITMAN had the following children:

+ 68 i. William5 YOUMANS was born about 1762.
69 ii. Sarah YEOMANS was born April 24, 1784.

35. Jonathan4 YEOMANS (Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born 1739. Jonathan died about 1785.

Jonathan YEOMANS had the following children:

+ 70 i. Jonathan5 YOUMANS was born about 1760 and is deceased.
+ 71 ii. Mary YEOMANS was born ca 1762.
+ 72 iii. Sarah YEOMANS was born ca 1764.
73 iv. Rebecca YEOMANS was born ca 1766. She married Jacob BROWER.
74 v. Elizabeth YEOMANS was born ca 1770. She married Ephraim TRACY.
+ 75 vi. Henry YOUMANS was born about 1772.
76 vii. Martha YEOMANS was born ca 1774. She married (-----) SAXTON.
+ 77 viii. Daniel YEOMANS was born about 1775 or 1778.
78 ix. Jeremiah YEOMANS was born in Orange County, New York about 1780 or 1778. Jeremiah died about 1850 in New York City, New York. He married Susannah (YOUMANS). In 1828 he is described as a gunsmith of Bulls Ferry, Bergen County, N.J. His name appears in the N.Y. City directory for 1805.
+ 79 x. Ezekiel YOUMANS was born 1781 and died about 1851.

36. Benjamin4 YEOMANS (Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born circa 1741. Benjamin is deceased.
He married Hannah (YEOMANS).

Benjamin YEOMANS and Hannah (YEOMANS) had the following children:

80 i. Martha5 YEOMANS. She married (-----) BOSTICK.
+ 81 ii. daughter YEOMANS.
82 iii. Margaret YEOMANS. She married (-----) SPRINGSTEAD.
83 iv. Catharine YEOMANS.
84 v. Benjamin YEOMANS Jr..

38. Eliab4 YEOMANS (Nathaniel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Dutchess County, New York October 1735. Eliab died May 24, 1826 in Cairo, Greene County, New York, at 90 years of age.
He married Catherine WOOLEY. Catherine died November 11, 1803.

Eliab YEOMANS and Catherine WOOLEY had the following children:

85 i. Mary5 YEOMANS.
86 ii. Sarah YEOMANS.
87 iii. Phebe YEOMANS. She married John SMITH.
88 iv. William YEOMANS.
89 v. Ruth YEOMANS.
+ 90 vi. Gilbert YEOMANS was born November 30, 1775 and died May 13, 1848.
+ 91 vii. Nathaniel YEOMANS was born 1778.

42. Johannis (or John)4 YEOMANS (Jacob3, William2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Westchester County, New York between 1720 and 1730. Johannis died about 1804 in Dutchess County, New York.
He settled in Dutchess County, New York. His will dated April 22, 1800 and proved Dec. 2, 1804, is filed in the Dutchess County Surrogates' Office. He described himself as of the Town of Clinton. His will also mentions "Marguerit, daughter of the deceased negro wench Nan".

Johannis (or John) YEOMANS had the following children:

+ 92 i. John (or Johannis)5 YEAMANS was born about 1750 or 1752.
93 ii. Albartus (or Albert) YEOMANS was born approx. 1754.
94 iii. Sebastian YEOMANS was born approx. 1756.
95 iv. Jacob YEOMANS was born about 1760.

Fifth Generation

44. Jeremiah5 YOUMANS (John4, Samuel3 YEOMANS, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born circa 1768. Jeremiah is deceased.
He married Margaret VINCENT 1791. Margaret was the daughter of Levi VINCENT and (----) HOXIE. Margaret died 1801 in Coeymans, Albany County, New York.

Jeremiah YOUMANS and Margaret VINCENT had the following children:

96 i. John6 YOUMANS was born 1792.
+ 97 ii. Vincent YOUMANS was born September 8, 1794 and died 1889.

45. Moses5 YEOMANS (Anthony4, Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Esopus, Ulster Co, NY circa 1749 or 1745. Moses died between 1811 and 1816 at 62 years of age.

Moses YEOMANS had the following child:

98 i. Moses A.6 YEOMANS.

46. William5 YEOMANS (Anthony4, Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Albany County, New York circa 1750. William is deceased.
He married (----). She is deceased.
He was listed as a resident in the census report 1810 in Greeneville, Greene County, New York.

William YEOMANS and (----) had the following children:

99 i. William6 YEOMANS was born circa 1780. William is deceased.
+ 100 ii. Anthony YEOMANS was born about 1781 to 1790 and is deceased.

48. Samuel5 YEOMANS (Anthony4, Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Albany County, New York August 10, 1756. Samuel died October 28, 1836 in New Baltimore, Greene County, New York, at 80 years of age. His body was interred in Grapeville, Greene County, New York.
He married Elizabeth STEENBACH June 2, 1781. Elizabeth was born February 12, 1764. Elizabeth died November 4, 1843 in New Baltimore, Greene County, New York, at 79 years of age. Her body was interred in Grapeville, Greene County, New York.

Samuel YEOMANS and Elizabeth STEENBACH had the following children:

+ 101 i. Phillip6 YOUMANS was born January 17, 1782.
102 ii. Rachel YEOMANS was born September 23, 1783. She married (-----) HORTON.
+ 103 iii. Anthony YOUMANS was born December 6, 1785.
104 iv. Mary YEOMANS was born April 11, 1788. She married Stephen SMITH.
+ 105 v. Bartholomew YOUMANS was born June 17, 1790.
106 vi. Elizabeth YEOMANS was born January 13, 1793. She married (-----) THORNE.
107 vii. Sarah YEOMANS was born June 11, 1796. She married (-------) THORNE.
+ 108 viii. Samuel S. YOUMANS was born February 1, 1799 and died September 21, 1877.
+ 109 ix. David YOUMANS was born March 4, 1802.
+ 110 x. Jonathan YOUMANS was born October 29, 1804 and died March 26, 1884.

49. After5 YOUMANS (Anthony4 YEOMANS, Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Albany County, New York circa 1765. After is deceased.

After YOUMANS had the following children:

+ 111 i. Joseph6 YOUMANS was born about 1789.
+ 112 ii. John A. YOUMANS was born August 12, 1791 and died April 10, 1883.
+ 113 iii. Abram YOUMANS was born about 1795.
+ 114 iv. After YOUMANS Jr. was born about 1800.
115 v. Jeremiah YEOMANS was born approx 1802.
116 vi. Polly YEOMANS was born approx 1804. She married Ira BRIDGES.
117 vii. Affa YEOMANS was born approx 1806.
+ 118 viii. Phoebe YEOMANS was born approx 1808.
119 ix. Betsy YEOMANS was born approx 1810.
120 x. Sally YEOMANS was born about 1812.

50. Anthony5 YOUMANS (Anthony4 YEOMANS, Samuel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born August 10, 1769. Anthony is deceased.
He married Lydia GURNEY about 1790. Lydia was born January 15, 1771.

Anthony YOUMANS and Lydia GURNEY had the following children:

+ 121 i. Levi6 YOUMANS was born June 5, 1791.
+ 122 ii. Rachel YEOMANS was born September 18, 1792.
+ 123 iii. Benjamin YOUMANS was born July 18, 1794.
+ 124 iv. Samuel YOUMANS was born July 23, 1797.
+ 125 v. Eunice YEOMANS was born July 29, 1799.
126 vi. Moses YEOMANS was born December 11, 1803.
+ 127 vii. Judith YOUMANS was born May 13, 1807 and died September 10, 1876.
128 viii. Lydia YEOMANS was born April 11, 1809. Lydia died 1892 at 83 years of age. She married Henry W. RIVENBURGH.

55. Isaac5 YOUMANS (Samuel4, Samuel3 YEOMANS, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Albany County, New York December 25, 1751. Isaac died May 11, 1833 in Orange, NJ, at 81 years of age.
He married Nancy CROCKER 1788.

Isaac YOUMANS and Nancy CROCKER had the following children:

129 i. Squire6 YOUMANS was born in Orange, NJ about 1790. He married Phoebe EARL.
130 ii. Ira YOUMANS was born in Orange, NJ about 1793. He married Dorcas CORBY.
131 iii. Samuel YOUMANS was born in Orange, NJ about 1796. He married (----) HOLLAND.
+ 132 iv. Isaac YOUMANS Jr. was born June 2, 1802 and died August 13, 1872.
133 v. Nancy YOUMANS was born in Orange, NJ approx 1804. She married Nicholas CORKERRO(?).
134 vi. Hannah YOUMANS was born in Orange, NJ approx 1806.

60. Francis5 YEOMANS (Francis4, Eleazer3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born about 1758.

Francis YEOMANS had the following children:

135 i. James6 YEOMANS was born approx 1778.
+ 136 ii. William YEOMANS was born about 1780.

64. Samuel5 YOUMANS (Samuel4 YEOMANS, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born about 1758. Samuel died about 1827 in Rockland Co, NY.

Samuel YOUMANS had the following children:

+ 137 i. Abraham6 YOUMANS was born about 1782 and died 1830.
+ 138 ii. Samuel YOUMANS was born about 1785 and died about 1839.
+ 139 iii. John YOUMANS was born about 1790.

66. Richard5 YEOMANS (Samuel4, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Orange County, New York about 1768. Richard died before 1860 in Newark, NJ. His body was interred at St. Mark's Cemetery, in Orange, NJ.
He lived for some years in Haverstraw, N.Y., but removed to Orange, N.J. before 1839. He was a wood-sawyer by trade and lived most of his life in Orange, N.J.

Richard YEOMANS had the following children:

140 i. Samuel6 YEOMANS was born in Haverstraw, NY about 1795. He left Orange, N.J. when a young man and settled near Trenton, N.J. where he was a prosperous business man.
141 ii. Sarah YEOMANS was born in Haverstraw, NY 1797. Sarah died about July 13, 1864 at approximately 67 years of age. Her body was interred in Newark, NJ. She married Nathaniel Beach WINANS. Her record is given in Greener's chapter entitled "The Winans Family". Nathaniel was from Orange, N.J.
142 iii. Mary YEOMANS was born in Haverstraw, NY about 1800. Mary died in Newark, NJ. Her body was interred at Fairmount Cemetery, in Newark, NJ. She married (-----) FOSTER. Mr. Foster died young and Mary and her large family removed to Newark, N.J., where they lived for many years.
+ 143 iv. Charity YEOMANS was born 1802 and died September 6, 1873.
+ 144 v. Phoebe YEOMANS was born 1803 and died April 29,1895.

68. William5 YOUMANS (Jeremiah4 YEOMANS, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Orange County, New York about 1762.
He lived in what is now Clarkstown, Rockland County, N.Y.

William YOUMANS had the following children:

+ 145 i. William6 YOUMANS was born about 1785 and died about 1887.
+ 146 ii. Cornelius YOUMANS was born about 1792 and died in 1838.
+ 147 iii. Jeremiah YOUMANS was born about 1795 and died about 1843.
+ 148 iv. Abraham YOUMANS was born about 1800.

70. Jonathan5 YOUMANS (Jonathan4 YEOMANS, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Rockland Co, NY about 1760. Jonathan died in Hamilton, NJ.
He married Mary ESKIPP. He was a farmer and blacksmith and lived during his early years in New City, Rockland County, N.Y. After his marriage he removed to Bull's Ferry, N.J. Sometime after his wife's death he settled at Hamilton, Monmouth County, N.J. He was a local preacher and built a church at his own expense at Hamilton, N.J. He also built there a store and blacksmith shop. He owned a farm at Hamilton, N.J., and ran a saw mill there. He was a man of great ability and one of the pioneers in the development of Monmouth County, N.J.

Jonathan YOUMANS and Mary ESKIPP had the following children:

149 i. John6 YOUMANS.
150 ii. Rebecca YOUMANS. She married Robert MORRIS.
151 iii. Betsey YOUMANS. She married James MORRIS.
152 iv. Hannah YOUMANS. She married Bennett MORRIS.
153 v. Mary YOUMANS. She married Garret WHITE.
154 vi. Sarah YOUMANS. She married Dey WHITE.
+ 155 vii. Henry YOUMANS was born July 18, 1799 and died October 17, 1872.

71. Mary5 YEOMANS (Jonathan4, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born ca 1762.
She married twice. She married (------) DEVOE. She married (-----) GARRABRANTS.

Mary YEOMANS and (------) DEVOE had the following children:

156 i. Catharine6 DEVOE.
157 ii. Hannah DEVOE.
158 iii. Elizabeth DEVOE.
159 iv. Aaron DEVOE.

Mary YEOMANS and (-----) GARRABRANTS had the following children:

160 v. Abraham GARRABRANTS.
161 vi. Jeremiah GARRABRANTS.

72. Sarah5 YEOMANS (Jonathan4, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born ca 1764.
She married (-----) MCDONALD.

Sarah YEOMANS and (-----) MCDONALD had the following children:

162 i. Thomas6 MCDONALD.
163 ii. Jeremiah MCDONALD.
164 iii. David MCDONALD.
165 iv. James MCDONALD.
166 v. Rudolphus MCDONALD.
167 vi. Sarah Maria MCDONALD. She married James DEMAREST.

75. Henry5 YOUMANS (Jonathan4 YEOMANS, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born about 1772.
He married Ann (YOUMANS).

Henry YOUMANS and Ann (YOUMANS) had the following children:

168 i. William H.6 YOUMANS.
169 ii. Henry YOUMANS. He married Martha MCKEAN.
170 iii. Jeremiah YOUMANS.
171 iv. Hannah YOUMANS.
172 v. Elizabeth YOUMANS. She married twice and had children.

77. Daniel5 YEOMANS (Jonathan4, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born about 1775 or 1778.
He lived in New City and Clarkstown.

Daniel YEOMANS had the following child:

+ 173 i. William D.6 YEOMANS was born about 1800 and is deceased.

79. Ezekiel5 YOUMANS (Jonathan4 YEOMANS, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born 1781. Ezekiel died about 1851 in New York City, New York.
He married Elenor HATFIELD. Elenor was born February 12, 1781.

Ezekiel YOUMANS and Elenor HATFIELD had the following children:

+ 174 i. Jeremiah Hatfield6 YOUMANS was born October 13, 1803 and died about 1862.
+ 175 ii. Mary YOUMANS was born September 20, 1805.
176 iii. Ellen YOUMANS was born in New York City, New York October 17, 1807. Ellen died 1808 at less than one year of age.
177 iv. George YOUMANS was born in New York City, New York 1809.
+ 178 v. Eleanor YOUMANS was born October 12, 1810.
179 vi. Sarah YOUMANS was born in New York City, New York December 13, 1812. She married Abram MEAD.
+ 180 vii. Caroline YOUMANS was born 1815 and died June 19, 1890.
181 viii. Elizabeth YOUMANS was born in New York City, New York 1817.
+ 182 ix. James YOUMANS was born February 1819.
+ 183 x. Wilson Drake YOUMANS was born March 10, 1822.

81. daughter5 YEOMANS (Benjamin4, Solomon3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) birth date unknown.
She married (-----) ALLISON.

daughter YEOMANS and (-----) ALLISON had the following children:

184 i. John6 ALLISON.
185 ii. George ALLISON.

90. Gilbert5 YEOMANS (Eliab4, Nathaniel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Dutchess County, New York November 30, 1775. Gilbert died May 13, 1848 in Walworth, NY, at 72 years of age. His body was interred in Palmyra, NY.
He married Sarah BULLOCK October 14, 1802. Sarah died January 23, 1849 in Walworth, NY. Her body was interred in Palmyra, NY. He removed from Dutchess County to Greene County, N.Y. with his father in 1778. He was listed in the census of 1810 with a family of 9 in the Town of Cairo, N.Y. Greener says all of Gilbert's children were born in Walworth, but more likely in Cairo, since Greener later says Theron was born in Cairo in 1815.

Gilbert YEOMANS and Sarah BULLOCK had the following children:

+ 186 i. Tammy6 YEOMANS was born July 20, 1803 and died July 11, 1849.
+ 187 ii. Vaniah YEOMANS was born October 11, 1804 and died April 1, 1842.
188 iii. Serena YEOMANS was born in Cairo, Greene County, New York November 9, 1806. She married Myron WARD June 24, 1832.
+ 189 iv. Miranda YEOMANS was born December 14, 1808 and died April 27, 1890.
+ 190 v. Lydia YEOMANS was born December 13, 1810 and died September 8, 1873.
+ 191 vi. Eliab YEOMANS was born November 27, 1811 and died January 8, 1873.
+ 192 vii. Theron Gilbert YEOMANS was born January 31, 1815 and died April 16, 1901.
193 viii. Edmund YEOMANS was born July 11, 1819. Edmund died February 11, 1820 at less than one year of age.
194 ix. Levi YEOMANS was born March 3, 1821. Levi died October 8, 1843 at 22 years of age.

91. Nathaniel5 YEOMANS (Eliab4, Nathaniel3, Solomon2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born 1778.
He married twice. He married Hannah WOOLEY. He married Betsy PALMER. He removed from Dutchess County to the Town of Broome, Schoharie County and later to Greene County, N.Y.

Nathaniel YEOMANS and Hannah WOOLEY had the following children:

195 i. Catherine6 YEOMANS.
196 ii. Nehemiah YEOMANS. He owned considerable property in Greene and Dutchess Counties, N.Y.
+ 197 iii. Nathaniel YEOMANS was born in 1801.

Nathaniel YEOMANS and Betsy PALMER had the following children:

198 iv. Sally YEOMANS.
199 v. Solomon YEOMANS.
200 vi. Chloe YEOMANS.
201 vii. Phebe YEOMANS.
202 viii. Minerva YEOMANS.

92. John (or Johannis)5 YEAMANS (Johannis (or John)4 YEOMANS, Jacob3, William2, Christopher1 YEAMANS) was born in Dutchess County, New York about 1750 or 1752.
He was a soldier in the Revolution. In the father's will, made in 1790, his name is given as "Johannis" and in the Revolutionary Records his name is spelled "Johanans."

John (or Johannis) YEAMANS had the following children:

+ 203 i. Charles6 YEAMANS was born in 1783 and died in 1875.
204 ii. John YEAMANS was born approx. 1785.
205 iii. Ira YEAMANS was born approx. 1787.
206 iv. Luther YEAMANS was born approx. 1790.
+ 207 v. Royal YEAMANS was born about 1797 and is deceased.
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