J1-ZS241 Y-DNA Project

  • 741 members

About us

Welcome to theJ-ZS241 YDNA Project.

This is an experimental project with the goal of further developing the branches of the J-M267 haplotree and investigating the J-ZS241 clades,their history, distribution, and genealogy.

Haplogroup J-ZS241 is estimated to be approximately between 4860 and 4484 years old.  Eligible male members have tested positive or are predicted positive for SNP J-M267.

Surnames (terminal SNPs) in the project:

J-ZS241, J-ZS241*, J- BY32809,  J-BY143137, J-ZS8775, J-ZS222, J-ZS222*, J-Z18271*, J-Y146901, J-ZS237, J-S17446*, J-S12192, J-FGC9941, J-ZS2375, J-Z18290, J-ZS2434, and all the clusters to be or already discovered.

You can find those SNPs in the J1 phylogenetic tree. http://www.geneogenea.com/J-M267/tree 

(To search or look into it easily, open it as a PDF file or with ebook). ZS241 is on page 1.

Or clicking in your FTDNA Kit on " Haplotree" 

If FTDNA has predicted that you are J-M267 (red) and you have not tested SNPS, please join also the J1 YDNA main project


If any question about the project or your family research you can write to Elaine Bush (English), Igor Schein (Russian, English), Beatrice Chevallier (French, Spanish, English)

Questions / Answers

1. Why are the J1Project groupings different from the ZS-241 Project groupings?

The J-ZS241 Project groups are formulated according to SNPor BigY test results. If you have not ordered BigY or the S12192 &BY67 SNPpack, you will be "ungrouped" even if the J-M267 SNP pack gave you aterminal SNP of, say, Z18271. This is because you have not yet determined yourterminal SNP. There are more tests available for you.

2. How are clusters generated in this project? The clusters are based on the latest J1 phylogenetic tree.They are not based on religious or cultural affiliation but rather are defined by a SNP.

3. Should I order a SNP, SNP Pack, or BigY? Please check your placement on the J-ZS241 Tree on the results page of this site. Your cluster or grouping will indicate at the top what is the recommended next step for your particular group. If you are still unsure, please check with project administrators.

4. It was recommended I test for the J1 Kohanim S12192 andBY67 SNP pack but I don't see it on the FTDNA order page. Where can I order it?

            a. Login to your myFTDNA account.

            b. Click on"Haplotree and SNPs"

            c. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page where you will click the blue     link: Advanced SNP order form

            d. Testtype: SNP Pack, and type in J1-S12192 & BY67

            e. ClickADD, then proceed to payment page.

            f.  You can also contact a project administrator.They can do it for you if you transfer money to the project.

5. How can I contact another member within the project? If the kit is not in your matches you can email a project administrator and we will pass along your message to them.

6. How can my participation help me with my genealogy research? One of the goals of the J1-ZS241 Project is to provide useful tools for members' personal genealogical research. Since SNP mutations occur approximately every 137 years, advanced SNP testing is proving to be valuable for genealogical purposes. Early results for people who have already opted for this SNP pack have clarified their FTDNA STRs matches and alleviated some of the frustration of trying to find connections with seemingly very close 67marker matches. In one such example, SNP pack results showed that a member was more closely related to a 67/3 STR match than he was to a 67/1 match. Members can potentially benefit from another member's test results but more members are needed to test to see the maximum benefits, particularly with BigY that discovers new SNPs.

7. How can I help the project? You can contact your closestYDNA STR matches and invite them to the project. The project is free of charge,it helps you, and could help other members as well.

There are many online resources for educating yourself on genetic genealogy. One such resource is the ISOGG.org wiki.


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