St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 131 members

About us

At this stage, it makes sense to "cast the net widely." So I don't intend splitting the project into surname groups. As the number of individuals tested and various lines become more defined, it may become necessary to split the project.

Also please note that, to participate meaningfully, you're asked to share your Hutchins (or variant) related direct line ancestry (Name, Birth, Marriage & Death info, excluding living generations) Please see this page for help on how to submit your family line.

 The Hutchins Surname Project has a number of goals

* Discover Ancestral family lines worldwide

* Sort out multiple families found in the same location

* Confirm surname variants or find previously unknown variants

* Confirm suspected events, such as illegitimacy and adoption

* Gain an insight regarding migration patterns of the surname.

* Discover information about the evolution of the surname

* Learn more regarding the evolution and origin of the surname

As well as

* Bridge gaps in the paper records

* Find any mistaken connections in family trees

* Validate & help with family history research - (solve research problems, and/or resolve brick walls)

* Discover information to define the major branches of the tree going back to the origin of the surname

* Combine results with research in early records to determine the number of points of origin for the surname

* Preserve DNA results for future research, to protect against any male line becoming extinct.

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