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Global surname group project
  • 147 members

About us

Johannes and Catrina Singer and their 1 and 3/4 year old daughter first traveled by boat down the Rhein from Ober Lustadt Germany to board the ship the St. Andrew in Rotterdam in 1734. The family was headed to Philadelphia. Their son Christian Singer was born one month after their arrival in what was then Philadelphia County. The family is known to have settled on land in Whitpain township - presently known as Blue Bell. Johannes and Catrina became known as John and Catherine Singer. John was a carpenter. Their nine children in birth order were: Cathrain,(Catrina)Christian, Margaret, Philip, Barber (Barbera), George, John, Samuel, and Mary.
This project is dedicated to my grandfather John Anson Singer(generation 7- direct line from Christian) who spent countless hours tracking his family tree. He got a lot of information together before the days of the internet. He visited many cemeteries, churches, and courthouses. His brother Jim's wife Katherine Singer has also spent countless hours researching the Singer family. John Anson Singer's son John Anson Singer II's DNA will be used as the source of a known descendent of John and Catherine Singer. This project hopes to use their information as well as new information to expand the John and Catherine Singer legacy. This project is also open to any Singer, Sanger, Senger, Zenger etc. who wants to find out more about their ancestry.
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