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Global surname group project
  • 147 members

About us

The goal of this surname project is to connect all Singer, Sanger, Senger,Songer, Zenger or other variations of spelling with their ancestors.
 Binkley, Bingelli, Musser, and Musselman have also shown a relation to the members of this DNA group. We would also like to locate any other relatives that descended from John and Catherine Singer. Their sons Christian and Philip lived in the Montgomery County area, later they and their families lived in Northampton County in what is now known as Monroe County Pennsylvania. Their son George is thought to have died before 1783 when he is no longer mentioned in his mother's will. It is not known if he had children. John Jr. married a woman named Mary. They did not have any children and are buried at Boehm's Church in Blue Bell Pennsylvania where their graves still stand. There was a Samuel Singer , born 1748, living in the Emmitsburgh Maryland area. It is very likely that he is the son of John and Catherine. The daughters of John and Catherine are much more difficult to track as the early church records of Boehm's Church burned- losing to history the married names of Cathrain, Margaret, Barber, and Mary. Spelling variants of Singer are Senger, Sanger,Songer, and Zenger. Descendents may be living in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey and many other states at this time.Please join us.

Many of our group members decend from men that served in the American Revolution. Christian Singer, son of Johannes and Catrina recently received his national number for his service for the County of Philadelphia. As a new member of the DAR I highly recommend the experience to others. John, Jacob, and Peter Singer. sons of Nicholas and Margaret Singer who arrived on the Royal Union also served for the County of Philadelphia. John Jr., Henry, and Jacob, sons of Johannes and Barbara Zenger of Lancaster/Dauphin Co. also served. If you are descended from these Patriots you may want to join DAR or SAR; it is a great way to continue their legacy and to honor the men and women who have fought for this great country.
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