Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.

McCall Caithness

  • 67 members

About us

Welcome to the McCall Caithness DNA Geographical Project. This DNA Project is for people that match Caithness McCall DNA and not just people with the McCall surname. It will require a listing match of all members at the 37 marker and above range. At the moment we can trace our linage back to the mid 1500's. In addition to this we can trace almost all of the current family branches that started with James MacKall b. 1620, all the way to the present. McCall (Caithness) History: James MacKall, Baron of Caithness b. circa 1555 2) Samuel MacKall, Gentleman of Glasgow Spouse - Margaret Dundas 3) Capt. James MacKallroy - b. 1620, d. 1660 McCall's flee to Ulster, Ireland due to non-conformity to the Roman Catholic church James and his brother Robert along with other McCall's join King Charles II to regain throne James and Robert captured at Battle of Dunbar POW James and Robert marched to Durham Cathedral, later shipped on the "Unity" to the Colonies. Sold to the Saugus Iron Works. Indenturement ended 1658. James stayed and Robert went south. Spouse - Mary Farr - b. 1637, d. 1717 4) James MacKall II - b. 1659, d. 1693 Spouse - Anna Winter - b. 1656, d. 1708 5) James MacKall III - b. 1690, d. 1755 married twice, First American McCall to have more than one son If you feel that you are related to us please due not hesitate to check us out and hopefully find a connection. The last name of McCall is not required only a DNA match at 37 markers or higher. Thank You for your time and good luck with your research. Sincerely, Ray Rolla McCall, Esq. Captain & Armiger of Clan MacKall (Caithness) Project Admin of the McCall Caithness Geographic DNA Project Senachies