McCall Caithness

  • 67 members

About us

     Welcome to the McCall Caithness Geographical DNA Project.  This DNA Project is for people that match Caithness McCall DNA and not just people with the McCall surname.  It will require a listing match of all members at the 67 marker and above range.  A few 37 marker people will be included based on family history and DNA matches, this will be based on an individual bases.

     It is unknown when our family came to Ireland, but we were there before the Milesians (present day Irish) and the Scoti (present day Scots).  We are descended from Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, son of Japeth, son of Noah.  It is unclear how many lines are between Ashkenaz and Dalbaech, Ri of Fomor (King of Ireland).  What is clear is that when Ashkenaz's family moved to present day Germany we moved to Ireland, shortly after this.  As we do not share the Ashkenazi Jew blood line after R-S9294.  Leaving a minimum of a 6 - 8 generation gap between our blood line and theirs. 

Askenaz - arrived in Germany at the age of 24 and ruled for 176 years.  Noah ordered him to go to Europe 131 years after the Flood.
 ? number of generations between these 2 people is unknown at this time ?
           Neit, (or Net or Neith), his wife was either Bandb, Fea, or Nemain.  Though some same these are all the names of the same woman.
              Dalbaech, Ri of Fomor (King of Ireland)
                 Elatha, The beautiful Miltonic Prince of Darkness with Golden Hair.  His wife was Ethine, daughter of Balor, the one-eye.
                    Dagda MacCuill, Ard Ri of Danu (High King of Ireland), he was born Eochaidh Ollathair, but changed it to Dagda MacCuill to honor his God, when he became High King. His wife was Danu.
                       Cremait Milbel, The Honey-mouthed Prince of the Tuathe De Dannan
                          Ethur MacCuill, Ard Ri of Banba (High King of Ireland), he, his brothers, and their grandfather all named the Kingdom after their wives during their reigns.  His wife was Banba.

     The name MacCuill means "Son of Hazael".  Hazael means "God has seen" in Aramaic.  MacCuill being the original spelling.  The first MacCuill was Dagda MacCuill, Ard Ri of Tuatha De' Danann (High King of, what is now called Ireland) in 1824 BC - 1744 BC.  His son was Cremait Milbel (Honey-mouthed) and his 3 sons were Ethur (or Sethor) MacCuill (wife Banba), Cethor Mac Cecht (wife Fodla or Fiona), and Tethor Mac Greine (wife Eriu, Ireland is named after her).  Cremait's 3 sons rotated the throne every year as Ard Ri's of Tuatha De' Danann from 1723 BC - 1694 BC.  They were the last Ard Ri's before the Milesian invasion of Ireland.  Dagda's father was Elatha, The beautiful Miltonic Prince of Darkness with Golden Hair, his father was Dalbaech, Ri of Fomor (King of Ireland).  Dagda MacCuill was the first known MacCuill of the name.  His Grandson Ethur MacCuill founded Clan MacCuill of Banba (present day Ireland).

     323 AD, 3 Collas's Brothers led by Uais Collas (one of the 3) with the help of some of the Clans of Ireland, including Clan MacCuill of Banba, kill the 120th High King of Ireland.

     326 AD, Ard Ri Uais Collas, the 121st High King of Ireland, is expelled to his mothers homeland, Dal Rita (Scotland), by Muireadhach Tireach (122nd High King), with his brothers & 300 men, each along with them.  Clan MacCuill's (later Clan MacKall of Caithness) ancestors according to Oral tradition were expelled as well for Aiding Clan Colla. 

     329 AD, at the end of this year the three Collas's along with nine "retainers" each return to Ireland.  The rest of the Clan remains in Dal Rita (Scotland).  I am unsure if retainer meant a person or a group of people.  Regardless Clan MacCuill stayed in Scotland.

     450 AD, St. McCuill (Maughold), lived on Isle of Man, ran missions to Scotland.  Legend says he divided the island into parishes.  He is later made Bishop of the Isle of Man and renamed MacCaldus.  December 28, 488 AD St. McCuill, missionary bishop, Apostle of the Isle of Man, dies.  He is now renamed, St. Maughold.  April 27th is named, St. Maughold's feast day.  His parish is located on the northeastern most part of the Isle of Man.  Kirk Maughold is the parish church.  Maughold head is the most eastern point of the Isle and named after him.

     1190 AD, During the Crusades Clan MacKall went with Alan Fitz Walter Stewart on the 3rd Crusade with King Richard, from 1190 AD - July 1191 AD.  It is unknown if they returned with the Stewart or stayed to fight. 

     1213 - 1221 AD, They also went on another Crusade thought to have been the 5th Crusade.  I know that John Stewart son of Alan Fitz Walter Stewart died in the 7th Crusade 1248 -1254 AD.

     In 1314 at the Battle of Bannockburn Clan MacKall is credited with following Angus Og MacDonald into the Battle.  (According to Clan MacDonald history).

     1545 - 1555 James MacKall, Baron of Clan MacKall of Caithness & of that Ilk is born.

     At the moment we can trace our linage back to the mid 1500's with conclusive paper trail evidence.  In addition to this we can trace almost all of the current family branches that started with Captain James MacKall (the POW) b. 1620, all the way to the present. 
     McCall (Caithness) History:

James MacKall, Baron of Caithness b. circa 1545 - 1555
 2) Samuel MacKall, Gentleman of Glasgow
      Spouse - Margaret Dundas
        3) Capt. James MacKallroy - b. 1620, d. 1660
                - McCall's flee Caithness, Scotland to Ulster, Ireland due to non-conformity to the Roman
                     Catholic church
                - James and his brother Robert along with other McCall's join King
                     Charles II to regain throne
                - James and Robert (his Brother) captured at Battle of Dunbar
                - POW's  James and Robert marched to Durham Cathedral, later shipped on
                     the "Unity" to the Colonies.  Sold to the Saugus Iron Works.
                - Indenturement ended 1658.  James stayed and Robert went south.
            Spouse - Mary Farr - b. 1637, d. 1717
              4) James MacKall II - b. 1659, d. 1693
                    Spouse - Anna Winter - b. 1656, d. 1708
                        5) James MacKall III - b. 1690, d. 1755
                               married twice, First American McCall to have more than one son that survived infancy.

     We are currently conducting SNP mapping tests and are having some rather interesting results.  We can now state for certain that we are R-L21, R-DF13, R-Z251, R-S11556, & R-S9294 positive.  We are now Triple Blind testing the Big-Y SNP test to narrow down a Clan SNP Marker Trail and to figure out are Clan's Genetic DNA Mutation Rate. If you are planning on doing SNP testing please ONLY do the tests we have tested POSITIVE for.  In this case, read the "NEWS" feed and only test markers in group 1. that are Green.  If you test negative for R-Z251 then you are not a Caithness McCall.  There are other very distinct McCall Clans, that are not related to us.  There are ALSO McCalls that are related to us before we left Ireland, like the Niall of the Nine McCall's which are R-M222.  Though this was probably through marriage and alliances as we do not share the same DNA.

     Please check our news feed for our DNA Project.  To Do this:

  1. Scroll over to the "About this Group" tab above.
  2. Scroll down to the "News" tab.
  3. Click on it.
  4. Please read it in its entirety the first time you are there.

     If you feel that you are related to us please do not hesitate to check us out and hopefully find a connection.  The last name of McCall is not required only a DNA match at 67 markers or higher or 37 markers if a McCall.  Thank You for your time and good luck with your research.

     The steps below will show you how to join the McCall Caithness Geographic project. Note: that you can use these same steps  to join other Surname projects and other Geographical projects that might be relevant to you.

  1. Login to your personal page at
  2. Click on "Join Projects" in the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Geographic Projects and then click on the link for letter "M".
  4. Scroll down and click on the link for "McCall Caithness".
  5. Click the "Join" button that is at the lower right side of the screen.

     If you find yourself in Alma, Michigan around memorial weekend please stop by the Clan MacKall tent during the Highland Games.  We have our annual Clan Gathering every year at that time.  Visit the Clan facebook page at:


Ray Rolla McCall, Esq
Captain & Arimger of Clan MacKall (Caithness)
Project Admin of the McCall Caithness Geographical DNA Project

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