Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.

McCall Caithness

  • 67 members

About us

     The Goals of this DNA Project are:

1.  To have a place were people with similar DNA can Discuss family history and try to get around their current family tree roadblock.

2.  To see how fast McCall DNA Mutates.

3.  To locate lost relatives.

4.  To have a fast and free place to discuss DNA questions.

5.  To study the migration path of our Ancestors.

6. To bring members of the Great Clan MacCuill of Danu, Clan MacCuill of Banba, Clan MacCuill of Ireland, Clan MacKall of Caithness, & now Clan MacKall (Caithness) together.