
  • 390 members

About us

Sponsored DNA tests and partially-sponsored DNA tests are available to MUELLER Project members.  If you believe you qualify for a Sponsorship but are not yet a member of the Mueller Project, please email your request for sponsorship, including necessary supporting information, to a Mueller Project Administrator.  Accepting a Sponsorship confirms your agreement to be a member of the Mueller Project.  For non-members to be eligible for any fully-sponsored test, your surname must be Mueller (or similar) or you must be a genetic match to a current member of the Mueller Project.  (Details vary by sponsorship.)  These Sponsorships are in addition to any sale price which Family Tree DNA may offer.

Here's an excellent article describing the benefits of sponsorship by someone who has successfully broken through several brick walls:

Funding for sponsored tests is provided by private donors to the MUELLER Project.  Sponsorships change as some are awarded and new ones are added, so check back often!

Currently Available Sponsorships

Fully-sponsored (free) y-DNA-37 tests are available as follows:

  • Any documented Mueller descendant of Heinrich Mueller b. 1797 in Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany; d. 1876 in Fredericksburg, Gillespie, Texas. **#

Fully-sponsored (free) y-DNA-67 tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Fully-sponsored (free) y-DNA-111 tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Fully-sponsored (free) Big Y tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Fully-sponsored (free) upgrades to Big Y are available as follows:

  • Any member of Mueller Project who has taken a y-DNA-37 test and is a documented descendant of Heinrich Mueller b. 1797 in Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany; d. 1876 in Fredericksburg, Gillespie, Texas. *#

Fully-sponsored (free) mtDNA tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Fully-sponsored (free) Family Finder tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Partially-sponsored y-DNA tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Partially-sponsored y-DNA test upgrades are available as follows:

  • TBD

Partially-sponsored Big Y tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Partially-sponsored mtDNA tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

Partially-sponsored Family Finder tests are available as follows:

  • TBD

    *One Sponsorship available
  **Multiple Sponsorships available
   #Membership in Mueller Project required

                        If you would like to sponsor or partially-sponsor a test, please contact a MUELLER Project Administrator for details and to have your sponsored test displayed on this page.  Sponsorships are on a pledge basis.  No funds are required until the applicant has been approved.

Sponsorships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and are subject to Project Administrator approval.  Must provide documentation of your MUELLER ancestry, as described in each Sponsorship offer.  Must be willing to share your MUELLER ancestry and results with MUELLER Project members and your genetic matches.  Limit one per family please.  Sponsorships are subject to cancellation without notice at any time prior to award. MUELLER Project Administrators require advanced access to purchase sponsored tests and/or upgrades. To apply for a sponsorship, please contact a MUELLER Project Administrator.

Tribute Donations

Donations made in memory or in honor of someone may be listed here.  The donor's name and/or amount will be included if requested.  Please contact a Administrator for details.